CuCl2 + Al = Cu + AlCl3this

Lab Report: January 24, 2017 

What coulour does copper burn?

On Tuesday, we did an experiment to see what colour copper would burn, to start this off, we had to put aluminum into copper chloride. Causing th aluminum to bubble and separate into these little brown chunks of copper metal. From there we had to take the copper and clean it multiple times. How do you clean something that’s pretty much a dust? Well, you have to fill your beaker with water and let the copper settle down to the bottom of the beaker. Afteer letting it settle, you have to use a lot of skill to only pour out the water and try and keep as much of the copper in the beaker as possible. This has to be repeated multiple times until the metal is clean. Which I still don’t really know how to tell is done, but Will and I repeated it four times. After this we had to take the cleaned copper chunks and hold them in flame to see what colour copper metal burns.  Our findings, green.

(Waiting for Will to send video, sorry)



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