SLC? Nope, TPOL!

You guys may not recognize the word tPOL, but it’s pretty much an SLC with a twist. It is a Transitional Presentation of Learning. Instead of talking only about your work you talk more about you doing the work, how you did it, and why you believe you deserve to “graduate” and move on to the next grade.

Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade?

Before I start talking about what I definitely need to improve upon I want to talk about the work I’m proud of, how I think I’ve grown as a learner and what I think is the most important thing I’ve learned this year.

For all three of these I have some repeating pieces of work, mainly because I was able to pick and pull an example for each of these three things from them starting with the work I’m most proud of.

For this I’ve chosen my Florida Fantasy video, my teachers might disagree but this is most definitely the best movie I’ve created. Not only did an extreme amount of work go into it but it told a really good story and followed all instructions for the assignment. The footage that was included was of very high quality and nothing from it was unrelated. Of course I couldn’t have had the final product be where it is if it weren’t for the critique I’d received from my teachers. Another project I was thinking about adding to this section was my frankenstuffie epistolary story.

Space, Geography, and the Porcupine and Gorilla Hybrid

I know it was not the best in the class but for me personally writing that much for the assignment, in my opinion turned out to be a pretty interesting story.  I couldn’t even think of an idea for about two weeks so this is something I feel I can be proud of.  I usually despise writing but I still found a way to write something about what I enjoyed and I’m happy I found a way to enjoy it.  The amount of work that I had to do in this one as well.

I can’t even remember the amount of days I got up at 4am to write and even though pushing through this section of the unit was difficult, it turned into something I can be proud of.

Next on to the things that I believe show my growth as a learner. For this I’ve chosen Destination Imagination, epistolary stories and an idea I’ve learned throughout the year, I’m sorry for the repetition.

D.I. Provincials 2017

For DI I’m still convinced I learned quite a lot from it although I didn’t enjoy it, it did push me outside of my comfort zone into something I have no passion for or even enjoy but forced me to work with poeple I don’t usually agree with. I was not at all expecting to be thrown into a situation where I’d have to be performing improv but I am happy I tried something new and now know acting is not for me. And once again my epistolary stories. It’s almost the same thing as when I last mentioned them, just the fact that I was able to find a way of doing the project that I found enjoyable and it also made me break down my ideas step by step allowing me to finally be able to put them down onto paper. These are all things I’ve struggled with in the past whether it be in planning a video, writing or showing my work in math.

Lastly, the idea I’ve learned this year, this is also the thing I believe to be the most important this year, the fact that my organization skills suck. I live a fairly cluttered life whether it be my schedule or even my room and the way I use my time is what needs to be improved on.  My habits definitely got better throughout the year then slipped away from me when I went away. This was my fault for not using all the spare time I had on my trip efficiently and not contacting the teachers early enough in order to figure out what needed to be worked on.  I did do what I could to get the assignments and course code. I contacted multiple people in the class and they all said they’d get it to me the next day, but they kept saying that, each day.  Not the best excuse I know but I have learned from the situation

I tried as much as I could to get the work done, I was working in the car off a hotspot, bringing work to do field side in between games at tournaments and waking up at 5am before school and staying up till 1am on countless nights but I was simply fell too far behind to catch up with all the new work that was being assigned.

Another thing that will help me to be more organized in the years to come is better communication with my teachers and asking for feedback as soon as I hand the work in. This way I can get started on the revision as soon as possible.  I should also keep my parents informed by letting them know what work needs to be done and how much time I’m going to need to get it finished on time or simply asking them to critique for improvements I could do.

I take full responsibility for my actions throughout the last year, the ups and downs and the lack of communication.

The last thing I’ll talk about is one more major idea I’ve learned this year and it comes with dealing with one of my fears. I absolutely hate the feeling of handing things in before I feel they’re the best they can be, even if it’s a first draft. I’m terrified of letting people down and I feel that if my work isn’t where I believe is best I’m letting myself down as well as my teachers and parents. I’ve now realized that it’s best to hand in what you have and receive the critique that’s needed to finish the project making it even better in the end. This fear as caused most of my work to be late and since I was made aware of both of these ideas about midway through the year it was extremely hard for me to adapt to them which is why I’m looking forward to a fresh start next year, I feel that’s exactly what I need at this point.

This year I feel that I’ve grown an extreme amount, maybe not through my work but with myself. Now knowing exactly what needs to be improved upon and having a plan to put into action for it is something I feel needs to be acknowledged.


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