Apparently We’re Made Of What We Eat

So as you’d know from my last post, we started a health and career unit or HCE. This time we were assigned to watch four videos, seems easy right? Not quite. They were all on the topic of food, from cow farts causing global warming to how starvation and obesity aren’t as drastically different as we may think. The one about the obesity and starvation impacted me the most. Here’s the video so you can see for yourself:

This video definitely left a good impression on me. It left me with a feeling of hope for our world. Knowing that there are a lot of people out there doing everything they can to help this cause is something I’m so happy to have learned. Ella Gustafson also mentioned how the UN denied their idea for the FEED bags so they turned around and started their own company. I think this just goes to show how anyone can come up with an idea and solution, even one not everyone may see as great or agree with, that can impact the world in one wat or another. One thing from this video that also hit me pretty hard was the fact of how bad these situations have become. Yes of course I knew there was extreme poverty and worldwide hunger but I had no clue it was to this extent.

After watching these videos we were told to thin about and review all that information from the videos and start to think about what we eat in our family lives and how we can change it. To truly understand what we’re putting in our bodies we were assigned a project of creating a portrait made  out of the food we eat most of.  Based off of Giuseppe Arcimboldo’s work, who created portraits of people out of food.

For my actual creation I used superimpose.

I started off with an actual headshot of myself then went through a list of foods I eat most of. Went to my good old friend safari and got photos of those foods then layered those over top of the one of me. Being careful about the shape of foods and where it would be best to place them.

Asparagus eyebrows? Seems about right..

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