SLC Volume 2, Take 2

Work I’m Most Proud Of

So far this year I have done a lot of work. I am proud of a lot of the work I have done. It was actually pretty hard to pick the piece of work I wanted to talk about. I ended up picking the piece of work I felt like I put the most effort into and that ended up better then I thought it would. Out of all my work I am most proud of my quilt square. It didn’t start out too well but by the end it was fantastic. But to get there it took a lot of drafts and finishing touches.

I had an image in my head I wanted but only for a certain part of the story so I was really hoping to get that part and I did! Which was great and overall I feel like it took while to get rolling but once I did I couldn’t stop.


Work That Shows Growth

This may not have been my favourite project but it definitely showed growth. At first I was totally closed minded about it and was not trying at all. But after I realised it was a big deal since it was going to be very competitive. So I embraced the challenge and got my group rolling. I was working with five other people and we all had different roles. I was assigned team leader so I was in in charge of doing my part for the actual presentation and making sure everyone was on task, double checking they would be able to get all the materials and completing it by the due date. Both of these things made me grow as a learner, first it helped me learn to embrace challenges even if it’s not my favourite thing in the world. Second, it really helped grow as a leader, whether it be in a school group project or out on the field during one of my games by helping me develop the skills I need to keep a big group in order and on task as well as teach others without being mean and getting annoyed super quickly which is something I’ve had trouble with in the past.


Reflection On The Year

My goal from last SLC I believe was to try and manage my time to fit in sports, relaxation and school work. It was challenging to realise if I was achieving this goal since I would be jam packed with sports but have barely any homework and other way around. But this goal was also difficult because I would sometimes have no homework and barely any sports so I would have a lot of free time, then all of a sudden next week everything would ramp up and I wouldn’t be able to complete everything I wished to get done. But I think after the last SLC I was at least headed in the right direction and started to learn hoe to manage my time.

This was by far my favourite year of school and even though I had a lot of fun on the Oregon, religion and all the other trips I got to be a part of, I still learned a lot and will remember them forever as exciting and educational. I also loved getting the oppurtunity to learn and live in such a different environment and meet so many new people.



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