The Revolting French

I thought we only did these to reflect on projects upon completion but I guess we’re also doing them in the middle of projects, I guess as a little check up. More blog posts, great. Anyways, onto the midway relflection. As you may have heard, we’ve been studying revolutions and after we were done learning about all the different revolutions we got put into groups to select one revolution to study and build a metaphor machine representing the revolution. My group consists of me, Tyler, James and Willa. We decided to study the French Revolution. We first had to plan out timeline and metaphors that represent the main events in the revolution.

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After this process, we got into designing the actual machine and what it was gonna look like and how it’s going to actually function.

That plan is now turning into a reality, slowly but surely.

Spray Painting’s The First Step

Started with the frame, added the support nails to help with the pipe positioning, adding the pipes and it may be done soon but we’re still adding, and that’s why tomorrow we’re gonna be adding the metaphors themselves onto the machine. There’s been some MAJOR procrastination but we’re back on track, better than ever. Let’s just hope we can complete this metaphor machine before our class decides to revolt against our teachers for assigning this project.

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