We just finished a great project called Cray Cray Yay Yay. At the beginning of Grade 10 I created something special and spectacular called The C.R.A.Y effect. The teachers were so dazzled by this effect that they decided to make a project based off it. (Im only partially joking). 

This project entailed a PechaKucha as the last keystone. What is a PechaKucha? A PechaKucha is a 20×20 presentation having 20 total slides and speaking for 20 seconds per slide. There was 9 total groups presenting on different topics that all related to how Seattle is “crazy”. For this presentation you did not have script so you had to tell the story off your head although some people had to bring cue cards with them to help them. 

What is “crazy”. Crazy is finding you own solution for a regular problem. Crazy is fixing something that was never broken. Crazy is thinking out of the box and being different. Now that you understand what Crazy is you can understand this post when I talk about Crazy.

What went well?

Over the PechaKucha presentation I talked with power having a very clear and loud voice conveying an image to help tell a story. With this powerful voice I was able to to tell my audience how music is crazy and what made music crazy. I also remembered my script perfectly having it timed with the slides to give the audience the perfect thing to look at when I am talking. 

What went bad?

I did part of the introduction to start the night and I feel like I fumbled part of my lines so that could of gone better but it is ok. I don’t think there could of been much more I could improve on my actual presentation, I talked with clarity not fumbling words, I had good body language and spoke with emotion conveying the story I was given. 

How could I improve?

Like I said the only part in my mind that I did not do great at was the intro so I think I definitely could of practiced that more. So next time I will practice even the minute details to make everything perfect. 

How did I contribute?

I created all of my slides and perfected them to make them the best they could be. I made my script and made it shorter and shorter until I could remember it by heart. So I put a lot of work into this project that got recognized by my speaking on the night of. I will also mention how our group only had two people to present when most groups had 3 or 4 so it was extra hard for us to finish and do it well. I had to present 10 slides while other people only had to do 5,6, or 7 slides. 

How did the field study help me learn?

I did not go to the field study but I still learned. I wrote an essay on Rick Tocchet. I learned how people could influence entire cities, I learned how to be Crazy and I learned more how to write an essay. 

Here is the Keynote that we used for this presentation.

Here is the script we used.

Here is my shortened version of the script.

If you would like to read Mackenzies blog post on this project who is my group mate then I encourage you to.

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