Coding video games and school an unlikely but good combo

We just finished are latest simatics project. In it we studied atoms, matter,  linear relations and algebra. We studied to help answer our driving question: How can the behaviour of matter be explained by the kinetic molecular theory and atomic theory?

Time line

Day one launch

We launched our project and crated a mind map witch we would complete at the end of the project. Saw a demo on what we would be learning about.  We also started studying what we needed to learn and created our scratch accounts to prepare for our final product a video game.

Then over the next few classes we studied atoms and mater. We also started practicing scratch. Then we studied the kinetic molecular theory and started trying to create programs. Along with that we tried to create models of atoms. Then we critiqued each other’s models. We also tested are knowledge with a test (I got a 75% by the way). While that was happening I had already built a pre beta version of my game. By the time we launched are forth milestone our game plan I was nearly on to alpha testing. Then we had spring break. After the break I had launched my alpha version and began refining my game and making it a lot more challenging. 2 classes later I began the final 2 days of alpha testing and fixing. After fixing some possible glitches that made the game to easy on our last weekend of the project I launched beta of my game. Then it was game day we got to play our classmates game and had a ton of fun.

Here are some photos of my work and game

My mind map

My main parts of code in my game

Reflection on my work

All class time is used efficiently for learning without distractions. I think I did a good job at this. My work was in on time and was done correctly and efficiently.
Several different atoms/molecules, different states of matter, and particle motion are represented in the finished product.  A historical model of the atom is chosen and implemented. The atoms in my game cool and heat. This is represented by the speed changes by the addition or removal of heat every 15 seconds. The atoms where silicon atoms made with the Dalton model.  
An interactive Scratch coded matter simulator or game is created with logical conditions and functional user controls. The controls work but the game can be very challenging at times. Like when the atoms become a gas you need near perfect timing to get past the atoms.

My game link updates coming soon to make the game a bit better

The project was very fun and feel free to comment game update or suggestions to make the game better. Enjoy


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