Hello and welcome back to my blog or if you’re new here, welcome to my blog. Today we are going to be talking about one of the most influential time periods of our history. The renaissance. A time of revolutionary inventions, people and events, that changed history.
Our most recent project had to do with the renaissance. We were asked to create a triptych which featured one art piece, an influential person of the renaissance, an event, and an invention from the renaissance time period. You were also asked to write a paragraph about in our opinion was the most historically significant thing from the Renaissance.
Throughout this project we did tons of research on different important people on the renaissance, different inventions, for example the printing press or the clock, very important events that happened during the renaissance for example the protestant reformation, And some very important pieces of art.. I will get into more of the specific things we studied later. We also learned how to use an app called SuperimposeX. SuperimposeX is an editing app that allows you to do so much more editing than you could ever do in the Photos app which is what we normally use.
SuperimposeX. SuperimposeX is an app that allows you to transform photos. You can add different filters, layer images, and you can even take a photo of yourself and make it like look like you are climbing up a tree. We learnt the very basics of superimpose X while we were at Boone Lake. We took an action photo of ourselves and a landscape photo that we took both on the very first day while doing our loom like photo walk, and edited ourselves into the landscape picture. For me I chose a picture of the lake with a very big tree in the way. I then took the photo of myself jumping off of a ledge and I did it so that only my body and head were seen, and moved around until I found a position I liked. For me this was me climbing up the giant tree while other people were looking at the lake. We learned other skills too. Things like how to insert pictures, how to make photos transparent, how to insert things into the photo. Here are some of the completed SuperimposeX works we did.
At the start of this project very few of us knew anything about the Renaissance. The only people who really knew were history nerds. Hi had only heard about the renaissance, but never bothered to look into it. It was probably a topic that came up once or twice in school in Six or seventh grade but they were probably discussing how it was relevant to something we were studying. But I actually never pay attention in my social studies classes back then. This project has expanded my knowledge a great deal about the Renaissance. I now know some very important people from the renaissance time period, for example Galileo Galilei or Nicolas Copernicus, I know some very important inventions that revolutionized the way we think see act into, for example the printing press, the clock, and many many others. There were also some great art pieces that we now know of today’s that came out of the renaissance for example the Mona Lisa. Before this I never knew when the Mona Lisa was from I just thought “oh well this is just a fancy painting. Why should I care about where it came from.” There were also some insane events that happened. For example the 30 years war that I never would’ve heard about if it wasn’t for a kid in my class named Charlie. She decided to do an event that was not in the examples of historic Renaissance events that happened. There were also events like the protestant reformation that I had never heard of in my entire life. The protestant reformation was a group of people around the world who worse sick and tired of all of the Bible‘s lies. They finally got the chance to speak out about their opinions on the church.
Below you can see my completed triptych, and my sister and my significant paragraph. On my trip tick you can see are the most historically significant event, person, piece of art, and person, from the renaissance in my opinion. The person is Nicolas Copernicus, the invention was the printing press, the event was the protestant reformation, and the piece of art Is jael and Sisera,( I’m pretty sure that’s what that’s named). You will also see my emoji, and surrounded by it are present time examples of these things. For example the printing press is now an iPad, because we can use it to gain and share information. The NASA logo is for Nicolaus Copernicus, because he was the one who started believing that we revolved around the sun not the Sun and the rest of the planets revolving around earth. We now have landed robots on Mars, and have put people on the moon. This is a huge difference from back then. For the art I put an NFQ logo. Instead of having these giant art pieces, people are making millions of dollars off of simple online drawings. The book with all the villages symbols represents how back then there was only one religion. Christianity. Now we have hundreds of religions, each and everyone unique in its own way. And we are more excepting of the fact that there are many religions instead of forcing Christianity on other people back then.
The renaissance was as the teachers put it a change engine. It really was. People started to gain new ideas about topics, believe in other things, and have more access to knowledge. People finally figure out that there are other possibilities other than believing in the one thing that everyone says is true. Tink Copernicus‘s theory about the earth revolving around the sun. People did not except it at first. But then more and more people started believing it, and now we know so much about our universe. Even if people had an excepted the theory someone would’ve eventually re-thought that theory up, and people might have believed it, but because of that idea that Copernicus had, it jump started our scientific knowledge.
Throughout this project we focused a lot on historical significance. What is historical significance? Historical significance is a decision that modern people have made about what they feel is important from our past. In assigning historical significance, we can choose specific events, people, locations and ideas as being particularly important to us. Since significance is a decision that we make, it means that different people can decide that different things are significant, or that they can disagree about the reasons a particular person, event, place or idea is important. Therefore, significance is not the same to everyone, or at all times in history. What we consider to be important can change. As a result, some events which were considered significant a century ago may not be important to us now. Alternatively, we may consider something historically significant today that no-one cared about a hundred years ago.
To determine if an event was historically significant or not we used these things called N.A.M.E charts. N.A.M.E stands for NOVELTY, APPLICABILITY, MEMORY and EFFECTS. Here is an example of a completed name chart. Novelty:When something is new or never seen before. Applicability: When it is similar to the present (could be an event, an item, etc). Memory: how it has been remembered over time. Effects:how people have been affected by it. These are the things we use to determine if something is historically significant. Remember. What someone could think to be historically significant, someone else could disagree. And that’s ok. Below is a simple name chart and a name chart that I filled out about the Protestant reformation.
If you have made it this far, thank you so much for reading, and have a nice morning, evening, day or night, wherever you are.