I have found a penguins of Madagascar meme for the moments of this year


cone one, come all to the most dreaded event of the year. Yes some may say it is even worse then destination imagination. That might be a bit of a stretch though.
blah blah blah statement of tPOL

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”

“Accepts feedback and makes revisions”

I take feedback related to work very easily. When most people get feedback there is a chorus of groaning about having to re-do work. But I find it quite helpful. It’s just acting on the feedback when it is not something that can be fixed easily. When we were doing our Pechakucha my group was not fans of having to go up to a teacher and have them tear apart our presentation bit by bit. But I was a really big fan of it. I think this has been the case for a lot of this year. But at the same time accepting feedback so something I need to work on. 

Though I don’t mind getting critique, sometimes it turns into a dreaded activity. If it isn’t something i’m proud of, I shit down and look for any reason too leave. I’ve caused myself to have anxiety attacks before doing presentations because I’m scared of what other people will think about my work, even if I know that other people aren’t at 100% completion as well. 

If critique is not something I can act on right then and there it turns into something I dread. I will procrastinate on it, and it will not be completed. 

Ownership and responsibility 

“Needs reminders to take responsibility for own learning actions”

This is something that has been on a rising and falling slope throughout the year. For projects that I am fixated on, this is easy. I will get everything done as soon as I can because I’m so interested in it. But if it is something I dread, it won’t happen any time soon. I have a total of 52 late assignments form this year. That’s over half.

But at least I’m real about it. I know that a bunch of those assignments were not my best work, that I could have done much more with the time I was given.now it is up to finding systems that will help me stay on track. This year so far, I have tried things, reminders, planning my life on a calendar, and having a physical to do list. All of these things, though helpful at first, evidently failed. It became a game of hoping that I would get all my work done in class and dreading the times that I would need to do work outside of school. I did notice, that for some reason writing on my hand worked. Maybe it was something about the fact that it was right there. It wouldn’t leave. It’s on my skin.

as I go into older grades, I noticed the need for organization, more and more. And though looking back at the same time last year, I certainly was less organized. I think this year I am able to be proud of the work that I have accomplished, especially in the projects that I was really interested in. I was so excited to complete the work, and then would get so enthusiastic about it, finish it all as soon as I could, and then just forget to turn it in. I did forget to turn it in, I am very happy that I was enthusiastic about . I don’t think I can remember having that much motivation to complete stuff last year.

Self care 

“Rarely identifies sources of stress or seeks help when feeling overwhelmed”

You want me to ask for help? Not happening sorry about that.I hate asking for help. Even when I know that I’m not gonna get something done, and an extension has been offered to me, I will not take it. I don’t want to feel weak or inferior. I don’t like Getting that so-called handicap, which would allow me to complete work to my best ability. It makes me feel like I’m cheating. Besides asking for more time on assignments, I don’t like asking, clarifying questions, even if it’s something that will help me.something about having to raise my hand and ask a question about something that’s already been explained to me makes me think that everyone is going to think I’m stupid.

As well as not asking for help in the school environment,I’m not good at asking with basic tasks. I can’t open a jar that holds something I want to eat?  oh well I just won’t eat it. Even in the case of a medication that I have prescribed so that I can take it if I need it, I won’t even ask for that.

I think this is something that has negatively impacted my work this year, especially with this most recent project (Chasing the Canadian dream)where I rushed the last few days to get it ready. I’m not fully proud of my work on some pages, I had to cut a lot of things. I was excited to include. An extension was offered to me. It was the fear of having to communicate to a teacher and be open with them. that is something I’m trying to work on more.

I also don’t communicate my needs when I’m feeling overwhelmed. I don’t like having to leave the class because it’s too loud, so then I force myself to deal with it. But it makes me uncomfortable. Allowing myself to express my needs would greatly improve my experience. But it’s not something that teachers can really help me with, it’s just something I need to start doing myself.



“Demonstrates growth over time time with regular learning reflection posts and POLs that document the process of learning”


This was the only one that I was in between on, because I think my blog posts document my process of learning well, but I don’t turn them in on time. I love writing blog posts, as I see them as a look into the way I viewed the project. I can be creative with them, and I think that they show a lot of my personality. 

I think that my blog post from the project “who are you gonna be” is a good example of this. 


I’m going to leave you today with the wise words of Elliot Paige. In the project I just showed you, we had to do a novel study. I chose to do a book called Pageboy. About an actor called Elliot Paige, who was in a show I really liked. I didn’t expect too much to come out of that book. But as you can see it helped me so much. It Focussed on so many life lessons that I think we can find really valuable.