How Does the Land Impact Our Identity?🌿

It’s time to hit the road! As you may remember, around this time last year, our class visited the Oregon coast and made many memories. This year, it was time to step it up a notch and go to Alberta! So for those of you thinking “why Alberta? It’s so cold and flat!” Well I have to agree with you. While we were there, the weather was kinda like Vancouver in the middle of Winter. It was cold, rainy and it even snowed! But not only did we get to stay in some pretty snazzy hotels (now that’s a huge step up from the Oregon yurts 😉) but the main reason why we visited Alberta was to help answer our driving question for this unit « How Does Land Impact Our Identity? » And that’s, exactly what this post is about!

Ok let’s get real here, Identity isn’t something most people talk about, and wouldn’t it be weird to just go up to some stranger and ask to interview them about their identity? Well…haha that’s exactly what our teachers made us do! There definitely is more to it though. But to begin, let’s go back to the basics. What is identity? Well identity in short is how we see ourselves or how the world sees us. You may recall from last year us studying about Worldview. Well the difference between that and identity is that Worldview is how we as individuals see the world and things around us and identity is how we see ourselves or how others such as friends, peers and family see us. Pretty simple! Well the big task came when my teacher told us that we had to create a full on 5 minute video documentary about identity and how the land around us can impact it. Now this is when our trip to Alberta starts to connect with our driving question. You see while in Alberta, we had to use multiple resources to answer this question, and going back to asking random people about identity was one of the available resources. Besides interviews, we also visited many sites such as Lake Louise and the Rocky Mountains to experience first hand on how the beauty and nature around us can change a person and their perspective in life. I’m sure each of us who went to Alberta learned something new that way. Just by observing. We then took the knowledge and footage we took home from the trip and created our identity Video to hopefully help you understand How Land Can Impact Our Identity!

One thought on “How Does the Land Impact Our Identity?🌿

  1. I really like how the blog post is very personal to yourself. It is very descriptive. However I would break up the big long paragraph you have with a photo or two. Maybe shorten the part where you talk about Alberta and save it for the Alberta post. Well done!

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