About me!

About me!   My name is Kira and I’m a PLP learner at Seycove. I will be including some photos I have edited and took in class to show more about my self. This is my name in photos, it was hard to find interesting subjects that could create my name ( K is a […]

Becoming A PLP Learner

A This is my customized memoji/memoji laptop, the people with stretched out faces are my friends (I do have friends).  The driving question for this project was, “How Do I Build & Strengthen The PLP Learning Team?”  The first big thing we did was the big life journal (lots of “bigs”), and during this I […]

First post

Hi! my name is Kira Here are some things about me. I love photography, I started taking photos in 2022  Those are some of my photos (some of them are cut off and wonky because of the fitting). I like to rock climb, bake, hike, sew, read, and listen to music. My favourite colours are […]