Swift Playgrounds
I maker class, we have been learning about coding. We are using an app that apple has created, called Swift Playgrounds. Swift Playgrounds is a game based app that teaches you how to code, but feels like your playing a game. The app is free, so anyone can play.
I really enjoy coding on this app, even though I probably won’t go into a career that involves coding. In the app, there is a character called byte. Your goal is to get byte to the end of that level. To do that, you have to give him commands in the form of coding, such as moveForward or turnLeft. You also have to collect gems, and open and close switches. To make the coding work, you have to add 2 brackets to the end of each command, for example, collectGem(). In the video below, you see me telling byte do the commands and coding to finish the level.
At the beginning of the game, the levels were pretty easy, but now, they are really getting hard. Here is a comparison of the first level, and the level I am on right now.
This is a really fun game, and I really recommend you to start and play it.