Radical renaissances

Hi this is an explanation about my triptych and what each panel is meant to represent and how they represent it and why I put them there.

Left Panel The new ideas from the renaissance changed by the renaissance world by clock for example they helped tell time easier than the sundials for example if there were still no clocks would we be on time or would we be late for school and/work. The printing press helped by spreading more knowledge more easily and more quickly by making more news and info in bulk. Medical innovations for first aid they would dissect people who had died and scientist would studied there bodies to get a better understanding of the human body/anatomy. Canter Panel The new ideas from the renaissance changed my world today by making it easier to tell time by making the digital clock based of the old clocks they made in the renaissance the also have alarms for you to wake up in time for school or work you can also set it to be a 24 hour clock. The iPad make things easier like making papers for your schools work instead of manually press down the ink on a printing press they can also play games, you can talk to friends on them and they have a lot more functions then a printing press. The ambulance symbolizes the new medical care we have today that make it a lot easier and quicker for people to get the care they need . Right Panel The traditional ideas that people had before the renaissance include the sundial to tell time but it had to face a Certain way to actually work. Instead of a printing press you hand to write by hand using a qu’il and ink and it took awhile and if you messed up you’d have to restart. Before people got a good understanding of the human body they used to drill holes in the side of the skull to relieve headaches and were potentially fatal.




Thank you for reading this and I hope you now understand why I made this triptych and why I put the things I did and what they mean. Thank you. THE END.


How did my blogging process go?

I think that my blogging process went ok I because i didn’t have much negative read back and more positive feedback. But i could have more words even tho i reached the required word count.

How was this different from what you’ve done on your blog so far? Did you feel like you were writing for a different audience? Did that influence you writing?

I think it was different because instead of writing about what we did this was the work instead of just taking about it. I did sorta feel like i was talking to a different audience then normal because it was a different type of work we had to do. I do not think that it influenced my writing to much but it may have a little bit of influence.

Did you enjoy creating this page?

I did enjoy creating this page because it was different and there was a lot of typing and I enjoy typing and want to get my words per minute count up.



Hello teacher, meet my Mom, Carly, and My dad, John. Family, meet teacher.

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”


Something I liked about humanities was when we read the outsiders with Mr Harris, the Outsiders was a good book and it had a good storyline, I felt that I could connect to some of the characters. But I had a hard time keeping up the reading role cards and thinking of ideas for the book cover. Another thing I like about the outsiders was making our own cover and taking the pictures and then editing it to actually make the cover. Another project we did in humanities was the dark ages project with Ms Madsen because before that I was already interested in the dark ages but I had never gotten around to learning more about the dark ages. But I don’t think I did a good job on the slide show I probably could’ve done better.


In maker this year one of my favourite things we did was the taking pictures project with Ms Kadi I liked it because we got to go on walks to different places like the beach and mertal park. I think i took pretty good picture but I fell like I could’ve put more effort into adding drawings in the pictures, to make them better. I also like the having fun with drawings project because we got to draw all class and it isn’t really work. I feel like I did a good job overall but I probably could have had more shapes my robot and my shadows weren’t that good but I want to improve on those.

Learning plan

On my learning plan I made goals that I wanted to achieve this year and things I want to do. In Humanities I set my grade goal to be an accomplished. I think I have achieved this goal this semester and I hope I can continue next semester. But I think I could have done better on some slide shows but they never have been my strong suit. In my learning plan for maker i had said I wanted my grade to be an accomplished as well. I think I may have reached this goal this semester but since we don’t have maker next semester I Cannot continue with it next semester since we don’t have It. In maker i fell like I did good in most projects but when I get behind I tend to stay behind. Like in the latest project I missed 2 days of school and I never really caught back up with everybody.  And for science I know we didn’t have this this semester I am still going to cover it. In science foe next semester I wanted to get and extending and I hope I am able to reach that goal next semester.


In conclusion this year I think I did well on most projects through this semester. Some things I could work on are handing in assignments on time, how I can improve is do my homework when I get it instead of putting it off for a couple days till its due. Another thing is working harder on is making slide shows for projects like the dark ages, I think I can improve on making slide shows by putting in more effort than I would normally and have a better end slide then just the words THE END. One more thing I think I can work on is grammar, how I think I can improve is use something that checks my grammar and tells me how I can fix it without doing it automatically. Thank you for coming to my presentation. The end.

Geek out

How I got into marvel is, when I was a little boy when were shopping and I saw a action figure of iron man and I asked my mom if I could get it and she said yes. Later that day when we got home I opened it up and I played with until I had to go to bed. The next day I had to go to kindergarten and I saw another kid with a Captain America action figure and I thought it looked cool so when I got home I asked my mom if i could get it and she said yes. So we went out to  get it and we bought it and I played with it and my Iron-Man action figure. Then I noticed on the packaging I said Marvel so asked my mom what marvel was and she told me. Then I said if I could watch some of their movies and she said yes. So that is how I got into Marvel.

This is some of the information you need to know about marvel. One thing you need to know is that you should watch all the movies in timeline order because there will be some holes in the plot line for you. Another thing you need to know is that Captain America is about 100 years old and is one of the best superhero’s of all time. Also you need to know that Iron Man has shrapnel in is heart and that is why his has the arc reactor on his chest. Iron Man and captain America at first don’t like each other but they get to be really good friends and Captain America gets heart broken when Iron Man dies. This is why I  like marvel is because the characters are always so connected.


How did my blogging process go?

I think that my blogging process went ok I because i didn’t have much negative read back and more positive feedback. But i could have more words even tho i reached the required word count.

How was this different from what you’ve done on your blog so far? Did you feel like you were writing for a different audience? Did that influence you writing?

I think it was different because instead of writing about what we did this was the work instead of just taking about it. I did sorta feel like i was talking to a different audience then normal because it was a different type of work we had to do. I do not think that it influenced my writing to much but it may have a little bit of influence.

Did you enjoy creating this page?

I did enjoy creating this page because it was different and there was a lot of typing and i enjoy typing and want to get my words per minute count up