today I will be talking about my latest Maker project called “Witness to History” for this project our driving question was can How we, as photojournalists tell stories of our community during this period of physical distancing? i will answer this at the end of the blog post. in this project we were tasked with making a photo essay on how covid-19 has effected a community of our choosing.
the first thing that we did for this project was learn about photo journalism. in this stage we watched videos of photo journalism to inspire us for what we wanted to do. the next stage was to practice photo taking. so for this our job was to take a few different photos of ourselves and everyday objects. here are the photos that i took for this part of the project.
the next thing that we did was do an interview with someone in our community and i chose to interview someone in my community named bari z. she is a grade 12 student who had an impact from there graduation. I thought that it was a good idea to interview them since i think that they were probably someone that had the most amount of impact from this virus in my community. here is the interview
the next step was to identify 5 different themes about the things that they said these are the themes that i identified are: people have become more sanitary, people are more cautious, people are more generous, people are more uncertain, she is more seperated from her family.
the next part of the project was to make a story board of what we are going to take pictures of. for this part we had to draw what we were going to take pictures of here is what i drew for my pictures
the next thing that we did was actually take the pictures and edit them and then put them into a book in book creator. then we presented it too a classmate for peer critique and the teacher for some feedback. here is the final draft of my book
now to answer the driving question which is can How we, as photojournalists tell stories of our community during this period of physical distancing?: I feel that me as a photojournalist told the story of my community through this project quite well. I feel that I did a good job with representing the feeling of my community through my photos. I feel like the people looking at the photos can tell themselves the stories just from looking at the image.
thank you for reading my post hope y’all have a good rest of your day!