Posted on March 14, 2024
What The Heck Is A Frankenstuffie?
These past few weeks I had the opportunity to build, create, and write a story unique to me. I learned about effective writing and how to convey a direct message to an audience. Through this project we had to create a Frankenstuffie made up from different parts of other stuffed animals. We spent time sewing and stitching together our character. One of my favourite parts of this was the actual creation of the animal because it was one of the most creative aspects of the project. We developed a character file and explained every little detail about their life. The driving question for this project was, “How do we as writers make our message clear and engaging to an audience?” I thought that through this project I was really able to answer that question and build a better understanding of how to compose a well thought out story.
The story part of this project was quite fun I got to use my imagination and my story telling skills to compose a well thought out story. I was able to build my vocabulary throughout this process and I practiced making properly composed sentences. We worked with Mr Harris and did a new writing workshop every so often to help improve the structure and overall flow of our writing.
The hardest part of the project was making a video after our story. We had to create a 2-3 minute video of our story using the different technical skills we have developed so far. I used over 5 apps to create my video and was jumping back and forth creating different parts of it. Even though the overall quality of my video is not perfect, the process of creation took hours and hours of work. When I first found out we were writing a story I knew right away that I wanted to make the main character overcome some personal problem. The main character (Sullivan) had terrible anxiety and was afraid of everything. The initial story was him going to to explore the meteorite and getting powers that amplify his fears, he then is able to learn how to control them and become the boss of himself. After finding out that we had to shorten our story to just one part of it I chose the beginning, “ Call to adventure”. This was where Sullivan came across the meteor on the news and was his story of deciding to see it.
Another part of this project was reading the novel “ Leviathan” by Scott Westerfeld. This book was honestly quite confusing, but it did spark curiosity and got me thinking about my own story. Leviathan is a fictional story about the two sides of a war, and it really highlights the theme trust throughout the story. It was very thought provoking and made me think about the theme of my own story.
Overall, this project really helped me improve as a writer and I was able to build a newly developed skills. I now know that I need to start managing my time better when it comes to longer projects. Even though I did struggle at times I think it was a great learning experience and I had a lot of fun experimenting with different apps and getting to put together a final product. Check out my video below. ⬇️
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