The POL (tPOL #2)
Holy moly. It’s the end of the school year already. It feels like each year passes by faster and faster. (There is a scientific reason behind this phenomenon and physiological […]
Holy moly. It’s the end of the school year already. It feels like each year passes by faster and faster. (There is a scientific reason behind this phenomenon and physiological […]
Hello people. I just did my first ever DI tournament. Wooooo. Yeah. DI stands for Destination Imagination, and it’s this global event that happens every year. Students from all over […]
Chapter 1 KEPLER 1C, Slifield. 2153, 3 years into the war. “Take cover!” someone yells. I look over to see a grenade that has landed near by, and before I […]
Heeeelloooo people. Welcome, to another blog. The first PGP project is over. The driving question for this project is “What strategies can I use to maintain balance in my life […]
Yay! First tpol! (I’m scared, nervous, going to absolutely sob, cry my eyes out, and the yay was very sarcastic. I really don’t wanna do this, but here I am. […]
It’s time for MPOLs. It’s my first Mpol, and I’m really nervous about it. This is the pol declaration that we have to say every time before we start our […]
Hello everyone of the Internet. Welcome. It’s time for yet another blog, and we had finished another project. The driving question for this project is: what does James Cameron’s fantasy […]