November 1 my school made us go to work with one of our parents and i went with my dad, so in the morning my dad got up at 5:30 in the morning i went to rowing at 6 got home at 7:30 then we went of to his first stop of the day at a kitchen showroom he owns 10 percent of this business so he got to work there for 2 hours ordering new parts for the kitchens in the building and talking to clients. While he was doing that i was going to the different kitchens checking out some of the features of them after that we went to go get lunch with my mom and dad we had some ramen then my dad and i went to go to a 4 hour meting, so i just got to play games through out the meeting but the meeting was for another business called sentinal glass whitch installs glass and he was trying to get a deal with them they do roofing. Then we went home and go got to work for 2 more hours in his home office and then he finally got a brake from work to chill with my mother and i can say that just going with him to his work all day he was tired and i was too his work day is brutal but he still does it for his family I’m really greatful of how much work he has been doing now
This is my video click the link: copy_9A2E4F49-126E-4F60-A4E5-1DD5020C5802