Camera angles

In class we learned about different camera angles, such as close ups, and high angle shots. We then walked down to the field and split the class in two, half of us played a game while the other half took photos from different photo angles. after we got all of our shots we switched. After I took many different photos I put them in a collage with labels of each different type of camera shots.

This is my collage


I used many different strategies to take photos from many different angles. For instance, I jumped for my high angle shot, crouched down for my low angle shot, and for my close up I zoomed in on my camera. After I took photos of each main photo angles used in blockbuster films, I needed to display it somewhere. I used Comic Life as my medium to display my work. I was surprised by how great the photos looked after learned different techniques, and hepe to use my learning in the real world.



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