History has shown us that there are two strategies if you want to seize control of power of large groups of people.
If you want power you must either chose to lead by respect or lead by fear. In today’s world many of the countries are ruled by people who lead by respect, but before the 20th century many of the leaders ruled by striking fear into the public. It is easy to see how it works in real life, just look at how much power Hitler gained by striking fear into the hearts of the general public. I think it is important if you are to gain power you must learn to be ruthless and decisive when making your decision. If you are going to assassinate someone you can’t be second guessing yourself. If you thought twice about killing someone, you usually won’t end up doing it If you look at the past many of the leaders were psychopaths and committed there deeds without remorse.
When seizing power having no remorse is a powerful weapon. Then there is another way of leading; by respect. If you want to gain respect you must be willing to listen, and compassionate to others. You must have a very good image if you are to pursue this path to power, where if you are to rule by fear it doesn’t matter what people think of you. To be a successful leader you must either gain support from the public or force them to support you, you cannot be in the middle if you want to be successful.