O’ Canada


What is Canada? It seems so simple but if you really think about it is so much harder to answer than it would seem. When my class and I discussed in maker, we thought of the many things that make us Canadian. The are many things that make all us proud Canadians. Everyone is different in what they are proud of but for my I have many reasons why I am proud to be Canadian. The goal of the my Canada project was to create a video that highlights the many things that I am proud of about as a Canadian.


There were so many topic I could have done my video on. So I brainstormed the things that I find to be most significant Canadian traits that matters the most to me. After many days of thinking I cam to the conclusion that when I think of Canada, I think of a loving and caring family. I wanted to focus my video on depicting how I thought that Canada’s family. So I began to think about how I would present my video.


This was a more difficult task than it seemed at first. To talk about my opinions is quite a bit different from actually putting them into a powerful video. When I wrote my script I wasn’t really thinking about what I was writing it just came out of heart. It was more of a life (1/10th of one at least) of experiences in Canada culminated into a short thirty second speech. I struggled to get the time down to thirty seconds but I eventually figured out the right timing. The real challenge began when I had to convey thoughts into pictures. I narrowed Canada into 7 defining traits.
It’s vastness
It’s nature
It’s freedom
It’s diversity
I sought out to find 7 pictures that display these seven words that were copyright free to conform with assignment rules. After a while I found all of the pictures that I think worked the best in my video. It was time to to begin to create my video.


I have never really liked filming myself, so I thought of an alternative to filming my self for this project. I spoke into a microphone while putting pictures in the background to present my ideas. In the end I think it made my presentation much more clean and more professional. I began creating my video by putting my images on iMovie. I used this app ad my movie making software. I found it to be very user friendly and worked really well in helping me complete the task. Is used some of the filters on iMovie to help bring my pictures to life and I recorded my audio with the built in micro phone in my iPad. My process to complete this project was much less complex than others But I think it was just as impactful.


I did 2 main revisions for this video. One of them was done by me and the other was done by a peer. I used the rubric supplied by the company running the project to help make sure my video met the requirements to make it great. When my peer reviewed my video she completed a copy of the rubric so that I could get a feeling for where I was at, in relation to marks. I made sure I took the feedback that I got from my peers and from my reflection. After I revised my video I came up with my final draft and one that is ready for submission into the contest. This project took a very long time. I invested a lot of my time into making my video The best it can be and I hope that that is reflected in my finished product.

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