The words of wonder

Peotry has been a part of humanity for a very long time. They have been passed down from generationt to generation first by speech then by transcript then by book, and finally by computer database. Many famous poets over the many years of poetry’s existence, have spoken their heart into their poetry just for others to learn and understand a little better. Poetry is spoken directly from the heart and has little to no rules or grammar to deal with. Poetry is words from the heart that are free from rules and have no limitations. I have always poetry to be an interesting type of literature an dthis year in humanities it wa s the first year where I really went in depth learning about it.

The 18 poetry terms

Throughout the unit we learned about 18 different terms of poetry, most of them were poetic devices and tools that I could use myself when I wrote poems. These are the 18 terms
1. Simile
my phone is like a living creature
2. Cliche
as strong as an ox
3. Stanza
Paragraph poem
4. Rhyme scheme
a pattern of rimes
5. Metaphor
a comparison
6. Haiku
7. Juxtaposition
two objects placed close together contrast
8. Found poem
Paragraph changed into poem
9. Imagery
Words and phrases that appeal to our senses
10. Mood
The feeling associated to the words
11. Repetition
a repeated or phrase in a poem to emphasize it.
12. Alliteration
the close reputation of consonant counts.
13. Assonance
the close repetition of vowel sounds
14. Onomatopoeia
Words that sound like they mean
15. Euphonium
Words that sound good
16. Cacophony
Words that are harsh to the ear
17. Personification
Put personality traits on the non people
18. Theme
Theme is what we can learn from a story.
If you age read poetry poetry before you might recognize some of these terms in poems that you have read before. I find it extremely surprising how well poets use these techniques to both make the poems flow better word to word, but also help the reader understand the poets words better. At first some of these terms seemed very foreign no seemed unnecessary but the more and more I read poets poems the more and more I realized how usefull some of these devices could be.

9 poems

While we learned about the 18 poetry terms I also created nine poems. Those nine poems each had their own mood and type of poem it had to be. For instance I had to create one sound poem, one personification poem, and many other types. At first it seemed very difficult to write in this way, but eventually I got in the hang of poetry, using some of the terms I had learned throughout the unit. It was so different from writing regular stories or paragraphs because of its unruly nature. The largest thing that I noticed during the poetry unit was the limited limitations put on the writing of these poems. After I completed my 9 poems I was ready to move onto the next part of this project.

The poetry book

After I was told I was going to put all of my best poems into a book I got to work critiquing my poems. The end goal was to put all of my poems into a book that is readable for anyone. I had to both focus on quality poems and the style of my book. I decided early in that I wanted to include a description of all of the poetry terms that I had learned. I never had enough space to include every term but I thought I covered the important ones well. I was also given some tolls to create my book, but I eventually settled on using book creator only to complete my book. I found that book creator has by far the most funcunality, so I thought that it woudl be the best in presenting my book. I began to write my descriptions of my poetry terms and add my poems. After all my hours of hard work had been put into one 21 page book. I really liked the way my book turned out and I hope you like the way it looks as well.

A new book 2-ry3042

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