Exploring previously discovered

As we began our unit on exploration began, I learned very much about exploration by the major European powers. After the transition into the renaissance people began to look westwards and imagined the world beyond. This drive to see and discover what was out beyond what was before known, made sea exploration a ever more intriguing prospect. In the late 15th century Christopher Columbus set sail to discover what laid beyond the horizon. He traveled for many reasons one of those being to explore the previously unexplained and unexplored. After his fateful journey many people of Europe followed his shadows and explored the Americas in the years that followed. By the time that many of the great European powers, had decided to send teams to reach the Americas their goals had changed and became solely focused on expanding their empires and spreading their religion. There was so much land to conquer that the expeditions were endless. This allowed so many expeditions to take place and it was approved by the general public. Because the public approved its plan funding was always there for the captains and his crew. This culture of acceptance for exploring allowed it thrive in renaissance and it laid the building blocks for the future of most European powers.

The project

After we learned so much about the early maritimers I was very prepared to study a certain explorer a little deeper. Me and my group that consisted of Luca, Marshall, and kailey, decided to study Cortes as our explorer.


Not only would we have to study his legacy and his most famous voyage but we had to create a comic book story about his voyage. We completed project by following these 5 steps.

First research your explorer

We spent quite some time nearly a full class and more time at home studying our explorers biggest journey so we could be ready next class, to create a comic book story on comic life. We really marvelled at how smart and ruthless cortes was. His most famous journey (when he colonized mexico for spain) was the one we wanted to study and create a comic story on it.

Create a plan for your book

This plan consisted of a rough plot line and assignment of who will do what part of the book. We needed to make sure all of us were on the same page so that it flowed with consistency.

Our plan
Create the page

After I was given the page I needed to complete (introduction to the story), I used all of the research I had done up to this point.

My first draft

I put all of the research into my comic book. I created my page making sure I was on the same page with the others in my group. I made sure my page set up the story while keeping it historicly accurate.

Critique the page


The criticism

After we completed our rough draft it was time to peer critique it for the first time and gather enough feedback so we could compete a second draft with plenty of improvements. We gathered this info and prepared ourselves for our final draft

Final draft

We completed our final draft and completed this project using all of the feedback and research that we had gotten and done throughout the unit. The finished product was extremely cool and I really enjoyed working on completing it.



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