TPoL’s are coming

Throughout my grade 8 year i have had many experiences and memories. Not only have I learned a lot this year, but i learned how to have fun learning more than I ever have before. During this year full of learning I had many times where I have used some of the skills that I had been learning all year. during my presentation i hope that I can show my growth as a learner and as a person during my first year of PLP during this presentation

DI provincials

My group In DI worked very hard to get all the way to DI provincials but we had to improve a lot if we wanted to do well there as well. My group didn’t have a very smooth ride to improve our project but we set our problems aside for the most part and solved that problem that was at hand. Not only did we come first in the instant challenge but first in the main challenge as well. I am very proud of what my team accomplished at the tournament. We powered through our problems didn’t allow them to slow us down. Our performance landed us a invite to go to nationals. However, we weren’t able to go in the end but the fact that were invited to go to national event is super cool, and something I am very proud of.

Sales pitch

The sales pitch was very interesting and long project. We needed to stretch our thinking and be willing to get fail for the first few presentations, so that we could be better in the long run. If I were to have a fixed mindset during this project I don’t think we could have done as good as we did.  Having the growth mindset allowed us to improve each draft using the feedback from our teachers and peers. I was happy with the way my growth mindset has developed through the year and am excited to see how I can improve it even more. 

Blue sky 2.0

During the first blue sky I had learned a very valuable lesson. A flashy sign or product will get people over to your station, but to keep them engaged you need to have a great presentation. I used this learning in my second blue sky. I devoted a huge portion of my preparation time to practicing what i was going to say and what I was going to show my customers. This plan proved to be very effective, at the exhibition as I had many customers very engaged and had a good presentation. I feel that if I hadn’t have learned from the first blue sky I would have still devoted too much time into making a display when I should have been perfecting my presentation/pitch.



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