Simpler Times…

Steampunk is an interesting culture and its one that is extremely complex. Steampunk culture is definitely not some beautiful artform but a reflection of simpler times. When the product was just the product with no bells and whistles on top of it to make it more aesthetically pleasing. It is a victorian twist on modern culture. Sort of like an alternate timeline in which people still used the art styles of the victorian era however with technology of a more recent time. It’s following has grown and has bled into many other mediums of distribution. For instance a recent series of novels seem to be entirely based on this culture. Steampunk is a very interesting culture but it is so complex and it left me wondering a few questions.


What makes Steampunk so popular?

People have always been drawn to those who aren’t hiding things but I thought to myself why is that people love those that don’t hide much. I began to try to answer this intriguing question. What I learned was a very interesting reason why different artforms are liked by different people. In today’s world there are tons of choices to choose from when it comes to artwork or music. However, it seems that people always enjoy new and interesting art, and steampunk is no different than a new genre of music. To certain people that new genre fits their eye or ears. I will never understand how people like 50’s music but many people that like that music don’t find the music the music I listen to.  It is a product of many factors such as  peer pressure, genes, and most of all the way you have been brought up in. Once people begin to learn and listen to the genre they create experiences around it further entrenching them into their culture. I believe this is the reason why people are drawn to steampunk. It is very similar to the reasons they are drawn to any other new art form or type of music.Their peers, their genes, or even influence from their family could draw them to the simplicity and its truthfulness of steampunk. Once you’ve began to experience steampunk and become a part of its culture you begin to create experiences in the culture further putting an emotional attachment to the culture. The process repeats itself time and time again until the artform has a following.  When you create a new genre of art it is only a matter of time until people begin to catch onto as long as it appeals to a few people. Once it appeals a to a few it is only a matter of time til you gain a huge following.


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