
How do authors use text to teach us more about ourselves?

With a new year comes a new unit in humanities. Our unit is on reading and writing vaguely but specifically it is much more on understanding the world around as well as ourselves using different mediums. Our first order of business is to read a book of our choice.

More Happy Than not is a story of a young kid born and raised in the bronx

I choose a book called More Happy Than Not. I felt I was really drawn to the plot of this book and I felt it showed promise for being a very interesting book.

After reading the first set of pages I began to think about where this book could go in the coming chapters. The first few pages laid a groundwork for the story to go many different places. My personal opinion is that I think the break up between Genevieve and the main character will cause him to consider the memory loss process. I believe the climax of the book will be an unlikely friend keeps the main character from applying for the procedure.

The bronx is where the book’s main character lives

In the class 6 others kids are reading the same book as me their names are Adlih, Kailey, Luca, Melika and Isabelle. We meet on every Tuesday and Friday to discuss the changes in our book More Happy Than Not. This Tuesday after finishing half of part 1 we were tasked with challenge of representing 3 key scenes in a short film. The 3 scenes we included all showed an introduction of characters, relationships and and a general idea of the plot. Our video isn’t a visual masterpiece to say the least but nonetheless it is a good short film that introduces you to the book.



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