2 and a half years ago I joined PLP, and as of April 7th, I have finally completed one of the most critical legs of my PLP journey. Looking back at my triumphs and failures at the DI competition it illuminates a lot about who I am. It is crazy to think about how far I have come since my days in grade 8. F0r this year’s provincial competition we traveled to Collingwood School’s Moren Campus to compete and celebrate. Let’s celebrate and reflect on my DI career.mn
What Have I Gained
I have said it’s a great and stressful experience so many times it almost feels like a broken record but it is hard to acknowledge the importance of DI without addressing the reasons for its success. It’s a well-known fact that some individuals are able to perform under pressure better than others and many believe that be just a talent you are born with.
However, although genetics may play a role, it is practice learning that takes those who we idolize to reach the top. It’s a common anecdote the refer to those with more experience as veteran’s that are a critical part of a functioning sports team and the same concept applies to not only DI but any team environment. These veterans have the ability to understand what it takes to perform even under the greatest stress. With their experience they are able to achieve much more than their talent alone could provide.
DI is no different than any other stressful team environment, so in theory, living through 6 DI competition’s I should have gained experience. It’s extremely hard to isolate how this experience has helped me in my life, but I have some clear examples of how it has influenced my life.
I have always struggled speaking up in front of strangers. I am not afraid to speak my opinion around my peers and friends, but it is hard for me to get up present myself to others. During DI I get up and present myself in front of many different people and I have to not find something else to focus on to not freak out. It is an understatement to say that I struggle when people watch; I constantly try to make an impression on people and with DI I have been able to a surpass that insecurity at times even if it’s only for minutes.
Understanding what I have t0 accomplish but more importantly how I am going to get there has always been a challenge for me. This is a skill that DI challenges constantly
What Still I Need to Develop
Leadership skills are an art that can never be perfected and are unique to different individuals. As I continue to develop these skills, DI gave me crossroad where I could prove my skills. My group wasn’t the best-oiled machine; we found it very hard to work together cohesively. If someone was able to take the lead and provide a piece of leadership that could hold the group together so that we could maximize our creative potential. When I was given this opportunity it was easy for me to subside and hope that someone else would take the lead; it was my challenge to remain focussed and strong enough to take leadership and responsibility of my group.
This year I didn’t find myself taking those strong leadership positions very often and the lack of my group’s success at the competition some relationship to my lack of participation in the area strength. Given an opportunity to redo this year’s DI I would have not worried about sticking up for the group and I would have to lead us to to the success. In the future, I must learn to recognize the situations when I have to lead my group.
In my next project, I will have the chance to show some personal leadership. A large project that will eventually tie into my exhibition will be an exciting opportunity for me to show how I have learned from my latest DI experience in particular. Specifically, I will remain consistent in work my ethic and hold a high standard for quality. Even during research and ideation, I will require a plan and complex and deep thought. To continue to achieve I will have to use the lessons both positive and constructive to further myself as a person. Tune in through the next few months to see how I can use these lessons to my advantage.