Lighting Up the World

In the history of the world, there have been moments that have changed the complexion of the world. Over the past month, I have been learning about the key events in our history. The unique part of the project we worked on was that we were focussing on what makes these events so significant. It was an interesting lens to look through during the project because it required me to think more critically about the events I was studying. The main focal point of our project was the Manhattan Project which we investigated in person during our trip to New Mexico.


When learning about the Manhattan Project I found myself quite interested in the topics. I found all the details about the project very interesting to read and try to pick apart. I had never heard about this project before the project and that added to its intrigue. During the project, we learned all about the science of the atomic bomb, the Manhattan Project, and the historical significance of the bomb.

What is the difference between “important” and significant”?

Looking back at the launch activities I remember that one of the key components of a historically significant event is that people should know about it because of its importance. When I learned of the project’s importance, it was perplexing that this was the first time I was hearing about it. I knew about the atomic bomb’s dropped on Japan but I knew nothing about the people behind this first bomb. I think this is an important distinction and it ties to the question above. The atomic bomb’s development is historically significant, but those involved are not historically significant. Although their efforts were extremely important, I do not believe that they were historically significant because their names are not something that should be known by everyone.

How did the development of the atomic bomb change the world in a historically significant way?

As part of the unit, we traveled to New Mexico to learn about the Manhattan Project from closer

The research we did before the trip and the trip to New Mexico were all working towards our driving question. After the conclusion, I am comfortable that I can answer that question with confidence. The detention of the world’s first at0mic bomb ushered a new era. The bomb had far-reaching consequences in many different facets of society.

Scientific Impact

Time ran a cover story on the groundbreaking discovery that cold fusion is

Science is probably the simplest of all impacts because the bomb created a new field of science that created thousands of government-funded research jobs. The research into applications of nuclear science leads to nuclear energy and some important medical discoveries. One of the instructors we talked to in New Mexico told us a story of how nuclear medicine gave one of his friends 8 years more of life. Nuclear science has given birth to the future of cold fusion which if scaled could provide the world with enough clean energy to eliminate our reliance on fossil fuels. Nuclear science is one of the most important fields because it has produced and will continue to produce world-changing science.

Cultural Impact

The bomb has been an important cultural event in world history. It is bigger than any year-long trend because it has affected culture for decades.

Bikini Atoll was an atomic test site in the ’50s. Bikini’s got their name because designers said they were as explosive as the bomb’s blown off the coast of Bikini Atoll

The bomb’s cultural impact has tapered over the years, but the traces of the bomb’s impact can be seen today. Many do not know that bikini’s got their name because of the bomb’s connection to bikini atoll. Las Vegas was a national attraction when the government advertised the nuclear testing that could be seen from the Las Vegas strip. It is not a stretch that the impact of the bomb helped shape the unique culture of Las Vegas. When we visited New Mexico we saw the effects of the Los Alamos laboratory. 2 significant national laboratories were located in Albuquerque and Los Alamos. The bomb touches all reaches of the world culturally, scientifically, and most importantly geopolitically

Geopolitical Impact

As important as the last 2 categories are, geopolitics is the most important out of the three. I wrote in my book about how nuclear bombs have become the currency of the world. I think this was most defined during the cold war when the USSR was locked in a nuclear arms race with the US. The atomic bomb was what the two nations were trying to perfect and showcase. As the countries stockpiled mind-boggling numbers of atomic bombs; there came a point where there were enough bombs between the nations obliterate the world ten times over. This was some evidence of how the atomic bomb’s had changed from pure weapons of war to the symbolic bargaining chip that they have become today. North Korea is the most pressing example of a country that once they were able to develop a delivery method for an atomic bomb found themselves at the negotiating table with the world powers. I am not sure what the result of North Korea’s aggressive play will be, but so far they have been able to gain more legitimacy in one day then they had in 70 years. The atomic bomb changed the world power dynamics by creating a distinct currency of power that everyone must pay attention to.

The Book

The goal of the project was to create a book that showcased the historical significance of the atomic bomb in different categories. These categories consisted of:

  1. The history of the atomic bomb

  2. The science of the bomb

  3. The cultural impact of the bomb

  4. How the bomb impacted New Mexico

  5. How the bomb impacted Canada

  6. Why was the development of the bomb historically significant

In the book, I had to cover all 6 of these categories but I had to do it seamlessly and creatively. From my trip, I had some primary and secondary sources at my disposal. I made sure I completed enough stand-ups, interviews, and saved enough quotes from the trip to fill the sections of the book with some variety.

I had a wealth of options to use on every page of my book because of my vigilance during the trip

If there was one thing that I think I excelled at was the inclusion of different types of media. I came prepared with a call list for the NM trip, and I believe that is the largest reason behind my success in the shot collection. I gathered everything I needed and added some extras that improved my book. For example, I grabbed a quote from one of our tour guides about his opinion on the bomb:

“I think by working on the bomb I helped keep peace”

Quotes like these I could never have planned for but after hearing them in person I adapted and found a place for the powerful quote. In this case, I used this quote to support my argument about how atomic bombs have become symbolic powers that can be used as bargaining chips in negotiations.

I was impressed with the design I created in my book. I think it fits with the style I was trying to create in the book

I have only had 1 experience with making books like this before the project. It made the style choices more interesting because I had zero experience with them before. It took a few redesigns but eventually, I found a design and style that I liked. Whenever I am trying something new, I believe that experimentation is extremely important. Without experimentation, you will be unable to create something of value because you aren’t pushing your creative skills. Usually, it takes a lot more time to get a feel for a new type of product but I guess I was lucky in finding an effective design early on in my experimentation.

Later in the year, I am sure I will encounter an unfamiliar product and the skills in experimentation will be key to my success. I am also going to continue to build on preparation skills that made life much easier during this project. These skills will not only help me create better work but they are also skills that will serve me well everywhere in my life. I am hoping to build on those lessons during the year.

History has been a passion of mine, and with the first unit predicated around history, I have started the year on a great note. School is much more marathon than a sprint, so it will be essential that I continue my work ethic and interest level during other projects that might be less appealing.

Until next time…


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