Throughout this year I have learned a lot. I have learned about not only regular school subjects but I have also learned about how to learn a different way. PLP has shown me the gift of using the right mindset when learning. In my student led conference (SLC) I will explain how I have used the growth mindset this year, some work that I am proud of, and share some of my learning.

The door project

I am very proud of the work I did on the door project that we did in math. It felt good when my group and I finished the math so that our part of the door was within a centimetre of its required surface area. I am most proud of the math that I contributed to the group, and how I helped my group get to the final solution. I feel that I put the most effort I have ever put into any school project and am very happy with the finished result. If I was to present one piece of my work to show off my learning so far this year it would be my group’s door project.

When I was in Oregon I needed to use my previous knowledge about advertisements and put them to use in the real world. In Oregon, we had to come up our ads with our own personal touch using advertising principles. I had to choose the colours that would make my ad appealing to the viewer, and I had to make sure it touched the persuadable parts of their brain. Even though the advertisements ended up a bust in the end, I think it demonstrated that I could use my previous knowledge in the real world.

Destination imagination

Destination imagination (DI) was the craziest project, and might be the craziest project that I have ever contributed to. The amount of times you will fail and screw up outweighs the successes. To thrive at DI you must really learn from your failures so that you can improve when doing it next time. My group had many problems in the days leading up to the tournament, but we knew that we couldn’t fall behind schedule. One of those problems was that many of our costumes fell apart 3 days before the tournament, so we had to quickly redo them and improve them from what they were. As I wrote earlier DI is crazy, but if you go into it with the right mindset you will surely succeed.


I have many goals for the future for my education. It is important to think ahead so you have something that you are striving for. For me, I like to have a main educational goal for each term. As term 2 is ending I began to think about my goal for term 3. I decided that it was best for me to focus on planning my time better. I have had way too many nights where I do not have any time to do homework, so planning my week of homework would help me get the work done on time. I think it will benefit all of subjects and I think it will reduce my overall stress at school (big projects in particular). I will need to change my mindset if I want to plan better, but if I don’t try I will never do it.

I hope this was an interesting journey through my learning in the first half of my grade 8 education. I truly hope that the next term will be just as interesting.

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