Destination Surrey

Here we are are once again at a DI tournament. This time with a little tougher competition. I was competeting against teams all around Alberta, Yukon, and BC. We worked really hard for the past few weeks to perfect and improve some sections for DI. Going into this tournement I was feeling good, but all of the practice and improvements came down to if we could preform under the pressure.

Reflection on regionals

After we barely made it to provincials, we needed to make major changes to many parts of our challenge.  The biggest thing me and my group needed to change was the script. At regionals we didn’t get through the whole script and we lost nearly half of our points due to it. If we could shorten the script enough to fit in the time frame we could do really well as the appraisers were huge fans of our plot. We created a plan to improve the most we could in the next few weeks for the next tournament

Improvement and challenges

We woked hard on the script as a group to make sure that we shorten but not sacrifice points in the process. We also improved our costumes, gadget, and general cleanliness of our presentation. We also studied cryptography to a further extent than we did before. We created tools that were much more user friendly and could be used with more efficiency during our presentation. Doing this would great,y decrease the possibility of a disaster on stage. Even with the improvements it didn’t eliminate the danger of a broken dilverable so we had to plan for the worst and hope for the best. We faced many challenged during our improvements. The one major problem was group dynamics. Our group works well sometimes but since we are all human we are bound to have problems. The key in group projects is to not let those differences to get in the way of working. I feel that my group and I made sure that those differences and problems didn’t effect us too much. In the end you would never guess that we had a group problems, and that is what counts.


Finally after all of the work both leading up to regionals and perfecting up to provincials it was time to present at the tournament. The nervousness of presenting is like no other nervousness. I usually don’t get to worked up over presentations, but I happened to be really nervous about this. In no time I was up on the stage. It was then when I realized that i had lost my cloak. Without it I would have to use our  back up cloak. That was another thing that I learned from the regionals Tournament, was that it is easy to lose stuff in the crazy environment so it is important at to have back ups. I was so glad that I thought to bring an extra cloak (bedsheet) just in case. I messed up my lines multiple times during the presentation but either I or my group mates improved to cover up the mistake. We all spoke fast so that we didn’t run out of time like last time. Time passed so quickly when I was presenting and in a instant it was all over. I was happy with my teams preformance, and was interested to see how the appraisers thought we did. Here is a clip of our performance at DI


It was a very interesting to see what place my team would place in comparison to others in our challenge. I predicted that we would finish In third place. It turns out I severely underestimated our preformance. We cleaned up in our category, winning every reward possible. We won instant challenge and total team points. I was so surprised to hear our name called for both awards. I was so happy to see all of my work be put into a calculated metric, to see that all of my work was not for nothing. In the end I liked DI but I am very happy to have a little break as it is really stressful.

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