Change the world one race at a time

Usain bolt has been a figure of Olympic sports since his first gold medal in 2008. Usain bolt began as just a great sprinter, but now he is so much more. He has changed the face of sports at the Olympics, and has promoted change in his home of Jamaica. He has inspired many young athletes around the world to strive to be like him. I know that Usain Bolt inspired me, and I am sure that many others feel the same way. Usain Bolt has been a prime example of positive change both by inspiration, and by athletic achievement. To show how Usain Bolt has influenced the world around him I needed to create a photo collage that highlights his efforts.


When I choose to study Usain Bolt I was interested to see if others were like me when they were inspired by him like I am. I was surprised to see how track and field runners have said that their goals are to be like Usain Bolt someday. This is the biggest impact that I believe Usain Bolt had on the world we know. He also must have had a impact on the popularity of track and field worldwide. To many people track was boring but then the lively and upbeat Usain Bolt came around and revolutionized track as we know it today. Today track is about fast runners competing and lively competitions, with exciting finishes. Before Bolt track was not the same as it is today. He also helped out the poor with the money he had gained through his sprinting career, and gave back to the community that he had grown up in. He did make a difference in his community but his worldwide change mostly came in inspiration for young athletes and a rebirth of track as an exciting sport. The Olympics owes a Usain such a big favour for reviving their sport, and putting on the world stage with more popularity than ever.

Creating my collage

When creating this collage I needed to make sure Usain impacts on the world were all represented but not to the point that the image is confusing. Usain has always been kind and generous so I wanted to include that. I needed to represent the impact Usain had on the popularity of track and his inspiration on younger kids. I also wanted to show his athletic achievements in the collage. I hand picked all of the photos and put them into a collage generator. I also labeled it with Usain’s name, birthdate, hometown, and what he does. I made many drafts of photo collages and improved upon them each time. Some of the so bad that I wouldn’t like anyone else to see them but I believe that I came a long way from my awful drafts to my finished project. I hope you see how much work I put into this collage and all of work converted into a cool finished product

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