First day on the job

Its take your kids to work day and I visited Cansel, where my mom works out of. Cansel is a retail company that sells survey equipment, construction equipment, and a variety of other commercial gear. The goal of the day was learn both more about what your parents do for their job and learn a bit about the company and the careers that the company offers.


The office was really interesting. Not entirely a open work space but it did not have a pure cubical design. The office had a modern feel and everyone seemed to get along quite well. I thought the vibe in the office was healthy, and it seemed everyone was working really hard and quite efficiently. As the work day began I sat in and watched my mom participate in meetings, and do her daily work. I did not come close to understand the specifics of what she was working on but I did get a much better idea of what she did.

I did not know that she managed a whole IT department. I thought that was pretty interesting and something I may want to do someday. I also met a colleague of my mom’s that does graphics for the company. That would be a job that I would love to do someday. Watching him work was quite cool, as I said in my about me page, I have been working on my graphics skills all summer. After watching him I realized how far I am from being able to pursue graphics as a career, but it is certainly something I would put in a lot of effort into.

The assignment was a very interesting one. The goal was to create a short film about cansel and during that short film you have to interview a few workers at that company asking them about how they got into the job and what it is like to work there. I first worked on getting the shots I needed for establishing the scene. I first got a video of the door and the entrance to the parking lot. After that I got a timelapse of the office and pictures of the warehouse. After that, I got 2 interviews from two different people in the office. I then edited it with some music. This is the final product

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