Brutus the Great in Julius Caesar.

Back in 49 BC a civil war was brewing in Rome. The battle was between Julius Caesar and Pompey the great, the battle for empire or republic. Caesar was fighting for empire and Pompey (optimates) and for the republic. After many battles and mere defeats for both army’s.

A conquest map for the civil war

Finally Caesar and his army broke through the republic’s forces and forced them to retreat into modern day egypt. It was in egypt that Pompey was assassinated and the republic was forced to lead by multiple less important people.  I took a year or two to finally spread the republic’s forces enough to siege control of the republic. Once Julius caesar returned to home he was worshipped as hero. The people named Caesar was named first dictator of rome. It was then that became an empire. This is when the play begins and shows the conflict between the common people of rome and the middle to high class people that lost all of their power due to this change. These people that didn’t like the loss of power were the first people plot the assassination of Julius Caesar. After years pass and the stars align, it came time for Marcus Brutus, Julius Caesar’s humble servant to do as the assassination planners told him to do. Marcus Brutus was huge part of the story of Julius Caesar, both in real life and in the play.

For a project in school we were assigned to learn about Marcus Brutus as a person.

Marcus Brutus

We were supposed to learn about what he kept close to him, his virtues, his importance to Julius Caesar, and other important facts about him.

Body Biography

After we researched about him online we were instructed in groups to cut out a body and make a body biography using only symbols, pictures, and numbers. The body biography my group created was a very interesting work of art, with a lot of pictures and symbols drawn or cut onto the body that all displayed a part of Marcus’ personality or importance to history. More to come I need pictures.

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