Just before the winter break, usΒ PLP eights completed a unit based on Star Wars that was accompanied by our driving question; How might I design and build an answer to my own inquiry? The end product of this project consisted of a way to show how you answer your question through whatever format you’d like. However this project wasn’t the only thing completed in this exhibition, we also had a scimatics assignment. To finally show off our work, we decorated the room as if you were on the planet yourself experiencing the beauties of the Star Wars world.

To do this project well needed to get lots of knowledge, we did this through the LAUNCH cycle.

The first stage in this sequence is to Look, Listen and Learn. This is where the project kicked off and we formed our β€œhow might we question.” This question was the main ingredient for the task ahead of us. My question was β€œhow might we use designs from Star Wars ships to make the ideal aircraft in the Star Wars universe.” The competency that we were being assessed on was engage in a period of research and empathetic observation in order to understand design opportunities. I showed my capabilities by looking through the internet, listening to my peers and teachers for important comments andΒ  learnt by taking in all into account to put it in my final product.

The second step was the A phase, the competency that we were assed on for this stage was to identify potential users and their requirements for a chosen a design opportunity and to identify criteria for success and any constraints, also known as asking the hard questions. For this phase we completed need to know questions, some things to bear in mind when coming up with topics was the four stages questioning. This consisted of robot, detective, judge and inventor questions which all had their differences. I demonstrated an intellectual curiosity by digging deeper into basic questions and learning more about the topic.Β 

The next leg of this cycle was the Understanding the Problem or Process, this stage contained the most research. We effectively learnt how to use Google and cite sources which helped me find out the answers I needed. We were being assessed on the Innovative Designer competency which was based on using a variety of technologies to solve problems by creating imaginative solutions. I established my ability by using many different tools in Explain Everything while still making it easy to comprehend and a effective way to show my learning.Β 

The fourth phase included Navigating Ideas, in order to finish this stage of learning we needed to create a mini video explaining how we have been an innovative designer and narrowed down our ideas. There was a few competencies that came into play for this stage and they were generating potential ideas and adding to others ideas, devolving a step-by-step plan that identifies key stages and a appropriate use of technologies. I showed a developed understanding of this competency by doing extensive research and creating a well narrated video.Β 

The penultimate stage of this cycle was the biggest and hardest part in the sequence. This was were the building started, in the C phase. We needed to build a civilized prototype in a short period of time because this would be our first out of many drafts. This is where I started to struggle and quickly lose time. My initial plan was to make a 3D model but that backfired so I had to come up with something immediately. I learnt that I should never leave anything to the last minute and I can’t relay solely on a 3D printer because it is easily capable of messing up. The competency that we were being assessed on for this stage was how we can explore and test a variety of materials and making changes to tools. I did this competency quite poorly because I left my prototype to the last minute and relayed to much on other people instead of myself.


The final step in this six stage cycle is FAIL Evidence and how I am planning on fixing it. In PLP fail means First Attempt In Learning so it isn’t that bad but the part that is important is how you grow from it. I failed lots during this project but its only made me smarter. We were being assessed on how we can identify sources of feedback, decide on changes and abandon the design idea.

I’ve briefly gone over what happened during the exhibition but it was quite the experience and is worth sharing. In PLP we like to go over the top so we redesigned our classrooms into planets in the Star Wars universe, the planet I got assigned to was Tatooine. We created an environment that somewhat feels like you are on that planet. We decorated everything in yellow, beige, white and other colours that represent sand, to top it off we even put heaters in the room to give that extra kick of being in a dessert. Although the heaters were a clever addition, it wasn’t the best for us presenters because we were sweating in the first 5 minutes, or at least I was. To go with the planet we had to dress up as a character, I choose Obi Wan Kenobi and I actually had some reasoning behind it. Due to my appearance I could quite easily make myself look like Obi Wan, and if I don’t say so myself, it wasn’t that bad. I would say most of us had a good time and were glad we got to participate.Β 

In conclusion, the whole LAUNCH cycle idea has really helped me improve as a learner and complete this project effectively. I think I learnt the most from the C phase because I realized that not everything goes the way you want and you need to be able to adapt to the current situation. All of the competencies came together and helped me grow as a leaner as well as being more aware of the possibilities that can result in failure. Overall, my first exhibition was a great learning experience and I am looking forward to the next one in the spring.Β