3 Responses

  1. Maureen Schlosser at |

    Hello, Lucy,

    My name is Maureen Schlosser. I am an official commenter for the Student Blogging Challenge.
    Thank you for sharing your pickle story! What a tradition. Your family sounds like a lot of fun. I’ve heard of the “Hide the Pickle” game, but didn’t know the story behind it. It’s too bad the ornament company made up a fake story to sell their product. I think the pickle would still sell if they explained the game, leaving the fake German tradition out of it. What do you think?

  2. Mrs. Wohlafka at |

    Hi, Louisa!
    My family also follows the Christmas tradition, “hide the pickle”.
    I didn’t know that was a fake story about it being a German tradition! We started it because my husband might be German. But I think we’ll continue it anyway, since it’s fun.
    Mrs. Wohlafka


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