5 Responses

  1. Kathleen Morris at |

    Hi Lucy!

    It is a bit sad that STUBC has come to an end. I haven’t had a chance to check out your blog yet but I’m glad I’m visiting now. You have some excellent posts!

    I love the way you’ve included hyperlinks so well in your writing. Some students find that difficult to do.

    I’ve been so impressed with the quality of your work from your classmates!

    Do you think you’ll have the chance to take part in the next challenge which begins in March?

    Best wishes for a happy holiday,

  2. Patricia Emerson at |

    Keep writing, Lucy! I loved the story about Rosie, your albino fish, and the fame you attained as a person & rare pet duo. So clever. I hope you maintain your blog. Believe it or not, a blog that you continue, posting as you go, can become an asset when you apply to college (and that happens faster than you might imagine.) As a STUBC Commenter I can honestly say that I’ve read a few truly gifted writers. You’re one of them! Whatever will you write next? Keep blogging!

  3. Marg at |

    Hi Lucy,
    I am a retired teacher who loves commenting on posts during the blogging challenges. I finished the posts I was to do for this week, and started looking for other posts. I have to tell you, I chose your blog because I also live in Canada. I live outside Brooks in southeastern Alberta.
    Thank you so much for commenting on so many other blogs! The first three blogs I commented on this week said they hadn’t received any comments. That made me so sad. I felt so much better after reading your post because I know that you will continue commenting!
    I am so glad that you are looking forward to another challenge!
    Merry Christmas!
    #STUBC commenter


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