Who is Luca?
Hi I’m Luca and I have no idea who I am and what I want to do when I’m older! That’s okay though. Not an excuse to not wonder though! My class and I in maker (planning 10 included) have been using my blue print to start a conversation with ourselves on who we are and who we want to be. This made me thinking about the future as well as breaking down the way I think and work now. Self awareness is a main part of what I took out of this all and ill explain later in the blog. So, before I get into what I want to be when I’m older, let’s take a look at a keynote I made about who I am currently.
A part of my blueprint is focusing on NOW. In the keynote I talk about the quizzes I took to figure out what learner I am and It really opened my mind to how my brain works!! This chart here is a chart of the classes I’m taking now, and what I want to take in the future high school years. The chart got me all excited for what I’m going to be learning about in the future, and made a good visual for my brain to picture.
Using blueprint past the tests I talk about in the keynote, it suggests some jobs and universities for you! While I may not agree with some choices they give me like funeral planner or actor….. The website gives me some good ideas. Lets take a look at a chart I made that shows some of the jobs I saw/was suggested by my blueprint.
I think out of all the jobs I saw on my blue print that I was interested in was film/business related. While those are drastically different, I’m making sure to pay attention to how those grabbed my attention.

So, I’m going to discuss some stuff with this prompts! How do self-awareness and knowledge of skills, talents, and challenges contribute to career-life choices? Personally for the future I think equally about my happiness, money, and work consistency. It’s rare to find a job that includes all of those, but I might as well try. I feel knowing myself and being self aware will strongly influence my future as I know what I want and don’t want. I’m a creative person, yet am not afraid to go into something like business. I am trying to keep my mind open and not stick to one thing because hey, maybe that will lead me to my future amazing job!
Overall, my blueprint made me think about something I often hide from thinking about, as the future can be quite scary. I think The Who am I keynote was my favorite part of this work as It really opened my eyes to who I think I am, which surprisingly I don’t think about that often!