Mud, Blood, and Victory. The Battle of Passchendaele


After sleepless nights leading up to the exhibition, I can confidently say that I feel proud of my final product in this project! I extended beyond my boundaries which certainly wasn’t an easy task. When we were launched this project, we watched 1917 (which I’d already seen) and reviewed classic comic book layout and design. Once they sent us on our comic journeys, it began to become a bit rough. My storyboard looked atrocious but I knew the illustrations would all come together soon after some tracing and practice.

In this project, I felt that I had demonstrated great persistance and determination when I was brainstorming dialogue and visuals for my story as well as artistic perfection which never came. A big weak point in this project were meetingdeadlines as when I draw, I expect perfection but I could have saved loads of time by creating a more realistic storyboard which would’ve given me a better plan for the final product rather than making last-minute edits.

Overall, my artistic skills with an Apple Pencil have drastically improved. I didn’t realize until I started PLP that there’s a huge difference between drawing with an Apple Pencil and drawing the old fashioned way.


Preparing for the exhibition, everyone painted signs (ours labeled “Passchendaele”) but something that separated us from the other groups was our complex display at our exhibition table setup. We gathered rocks and leaves from the nearby forest (demonstrated creativity and resourceless) to further enhance our appearance in the exhibition. It’s such a small thing that makes a huge difference.


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