
Ok, so this picture might look pretty random out of context, but I feel like this will make much more sense after explaining the purpose of it.

So recently, we’ve been learning about the Renaissance and how it kind of shaped the world today. We have been working our way up to this by researching different historical figures in the Renaissance. There’s a catch though… We had to make a venn diagram consisting of a scientist, a thinker, and an artist from the Renaissance that made some kind of impact on the world.


Evidently, we had to show how each of these people related and contrasted each other in their worldviews. This lead to the drawing that followed the venn diagram which I showed in the beginning of the post. “What’s the point of the picture?” You may ask? Well we essentially took the information from the middle of the diagram which relates all of our people’s worldviews and make a visual showing how their worldviews kind of shifted into our current worldviews.

I noticed that all of the people I chose had something in common. They all were very intelligent people who shared their thoughts and ideas to many other people, along with getting information from other people.

I knew what I wanted to draw!

I wanted to make a picture that somehow showed people simultaneously needing knowledge and sharing knowledge. I wasn’t so sure how to show that though… I decided to look for inspiration and almost instantly, I found it.



I was pretty happy with how my picture turned out and I definitely learned a lot from all the research I had to do for my Renaissance figures. Hopefully we can do more things like this!