SLCs. They’re back and with the new year, there are new things to talk about. It seems that for the first half of 9th grade, a lot of things have been going on school-wise. There seems to have been a lot more projects and assignments to reflect on for this SLC compared to last year’s, so I feel that there’s definitely some more work I can go back to to talk about.
This year’s questions for the SLCs are a little different, so you’ll see what I’m talking about soon, very soon…

1: An example of work I’m most proud of

Videos about choo choo trains in Britain

I’d definitely say that I’m most proud of my Industrial Revolution EE I made a few months back. I always put my best work into EE and iMovies, but I feel like this ones took out the most for me so far this year. With the three rounds of peer review that we had, I feel like this specific video went through the most revision and editing, and the product turned out to be my favourite video this school year. I feel like I made good use of the visuals and my points were strong and clear.



2: An example of my learning

Destination Imagination is Back in Town

Over the course of DI, I feel like I’ve learned that time management and preparing for last minute challenges is key. We finished rehearsing and preparing very close to the competition day and I feel that with a little more planning and working ahead of time, we could have avoided certain setbacks and failures we experienced during the competition.

3: Show an example of my growth mindset

A Looonnnngggg Way From Home

Since the Seattle trip, I’ve developed my ability to work on the field and optimize how much I can accomplish with limited time at the certain locations. When the time came for us to record at Disney, I felt ready to record my footage and gather some good shots.


Now that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for 9th grade, I’m pretty excited to see what else happens throughout the year. Thanks for tuning in!