As a part of our HCE unit, our teachers have recently got us thinking about our careers and some possibilities for us that we can choose in the future. We started off by doing a short writing about something we’d like to be gifted at and what we would do to get ourselves to the point of being “gifted” at whatever we wrote about.
Afterwards, we were told to take a few quick evaluation tests to see what jobs we would like to do, what jobs we’d be able to use our talents for, and what jobs we would be good at based on our strongest subjects. Obviously, we were all pretty curious on what jobs we might be suited best for. Here is the test result that got me the most interested which was the preferential job test, meaning what job I’d like to do. Here’s what I got.
All of the jobs seemed to link to my interests and personality in one way or another. Some more than others. All of them seemed like very viable careers such as the one I was the most interested in which was and engineering or computer information systems manager. They both are jobs that deal with people all the time and require me to be a leader, which is something I think I can pull off. There is also an estimate for well over 4,000 job openings by 2025 just in the general area of Vancouver alone which is great because I love living here and it would be cool if I found a job I liked right here. I would also prefer one of these jobs as I’d much rather deal with people all day than stare in front of computer for whole days. With the life experiences we’ve been learning in PLP as well, these career options don’t seem like far off dreams. I really feel like this is an achievable accomplishment that I can get to in the future.
Either way, defining my future from a test seems kind of weird don’t you think? I wasn’t fully convinced that I’ve found my dream job in these tests, so I did some thinking and made an iMovie on things that I would like to experience and achieve in the near future, including a career that interests me very much. There was a little bit of a fantasy theme going on in the video, which I think gave it some spark. So without further ado, here is my brief fantasy career video…
Amongst some of the requirements for this little project, the one I looked out for the most was that it had to be an iMovie. Now, this doesn’t mean I couldn’t use other apps to assist my video-making process, otherwise, there would have been some trouble. I made all the visuals on Explain Everything as I usually do when I don’t have real life footage for videos. I then cut up, edited, and added voice overs to the video on iMovie since it really shines in that aspect of video-making. Although EE is really versatile, it’s hard to beat the editing capabilities in iMovie.
I really enjoyed making this short video as it really got me thinking about my future. It’s a really foreign feeling for me when I think that deeply into my future and as you might’ve noticed in the video, I didn’t go into complete specifics about what might happen in the future. I tend to live in the present and only have slight plans for my future such as universities and careers, and although my video had some of that, it had a lot of life things that could happen to me in the future that I can’t be 100% sure about. Although I do like to live in the “now” it was really interesting to take a second and think about how I’m actually going to go about my future. It’s really mind boggling sometimes to imagine something that hasn’t happened to you yet. It never seems to go like how it does in the imagination, so I have to appreciate that this project got me thinking about that.
Either way, only time will tell what my next blog post will be. Maybe some of you can see into the future and know what blog posts we have next but until then, that’s all I have to say…
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