Grade 9 came and went. With only a few days of school left, it was time to return to the dreaded student led conferences except this time, they were different. Unlike the name we’ve commonly used for the previous presentations we’ve done, there is actually no more “SLC.” Our presentations are now called Transitional Presentations of Learning or TPOLS for short.
The name of our presentations aren’t the only things that have changed though. Instead of just answering a few questions, we are answering one driving question which is “Why do I feel that I am ready to advance to the next grade?” We use evidence of our learning and work to help prove our point.
So to answer the question, why do I feel that I am ready to move onto the next grade?




Carry on Luggage

I know it’s something that I have mentioned before, but I feel like I’ve really been growing in my ability to speak in front of crowds or one to one. I can’t help but think about how comfortable I was during my Things I Carry presentation. A year ago, I wouldn’t even be able to think about getting up in front of a class and opening yourself up to them, it just seemed unreal. Now, with all the experiences I’ve been exposed to because of PLP, public speaking has become a lot more easy and comfortable for me.




Very busy business


To be completely truthful, I don’t believe my work ethic is as good as I would like it to be. Throughout this year, I’ve definitely struggled with time management and procrastination. I think I improved it throughout the year, but towards the last few weeks of school, I’ve been slipping here and there with due dates and assignments. This isn’t to say I’ve been slacking on assignments though. Everything I hand in takes time and thought into producing work that I consider high quality.




What attracts us to this post?

There is one project in particular that I would definitely say is a highlight of this year for my work and something that I am very proud of to have made. That particular project is the Making Fantasy Real video. I am very passionate about making videos in PLP and as I probably have mentioned a few times, I love any project/assignment that has to do with video-making.
I put a lot of time and effort into planning this video and making it different from the rest.
I utilized teamwork, high quality work and responsibility in this project as without it, I wouldn’t have gotten a video as nearly as good like the one I made.



Overall, I do feel very ready to move on to grade 10. I know that I have grown in the past two years that I’ve been here and I know that I’m going to continue growing in future grades. I also think that it’s good to look at what I can improve about myself and that’s a plus because I’d rather know my mistakes and learn from them to become a better student.
Until grade 10 though, I’m going to enjoy my long awaited summer break so thanks for tuning in!