Who are you gonna be?

Who am I going to be. The answer that I would like to say is an author, but that’s not the right answer to the question. If you were to ask what do you want to do when you’re older, then I would say an author, but these are two very different questions. No one can tell the future, meaning that the first question is nearly impossible to answer, but at the same time, your future isn’t set in stone. There are things that you can do to shape your life into a life that you want. I can’t just go to sleep and become an author overnight, I have to do something about it. Because I don’t believe in destiny or fate, which means that if I want to do something in life, I have to do something about it. But back to the original question of who do I want to be, here’s a few words that are important to me. These words describe who I want to be.


One of the most interesting things that I learned answering this question is that there are so many things to be grateful for. During this project, every day we were told to write down one thing that we were grateful on a sticky note and put it on the window. These gratitudes could be as small as being thankful for being alive or as big as thanking one person for everything they’ve done. Look what my class created in these days.(P.S. these were not all done by one person, there were 31 people doing this)


Another important thing that someone should have is determination. If you have no determination, then there’s no point in having goals because they’re never going to be achieved. A person needs determination to get things done and to battle through hard times. Without any determination, I would just give up on so many things.



Last but not least, I want to be caring. Being caring is one of the most important qualities to have. Even if someone doesn’t have the other two qualities, if that person’s caring, it means so much more that having the other qualities.

You might be asking yourself self: Why. Why did I just talk about all these qualities. It all started with this video. In the video, Michelle Obama asks a graduating class the question, who are you going to be. So, me and my classmates answered the question by doing many different things, including interviewing someone that inspires me, reading a novel about a verity of non-fiction topics and watching some Ted talks about why to be happy. That is why when someone asks me the question: Who are you going to be? My answer will be that I am going to be a caring, determined and grateful person who tries to make the world a better place.

That’s it for this blog but until the end, see ya!

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