“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”
As you can probably guess from the title, this is my last presentation of learning, and my last year with PLP. Because of this, I’ve decided to talk about all the things that I’ve learned from PLP. Throughout this presentation, I’ll be talking about 3 success criteria of a PLP learner, and how I think they apply to me. The qualities are, Communication and Collaboration using technology, taking agency of my ownership and responsibility, and seeking help.
One of the biggest things that my time in PLP has taught me is how to use the tools at my disposal to make a project. The biggest of these tools has been my iPad, which is one of the most essential tools for any PLP learner to have. Throughout my time as a PLP learner, I’ve learned many important things about my iPad. I’ve learned that airdrop is a tool that doesn’t require wifi, I’ve learned how to take quick notes and screenshots, and I’ve learned how AirPlay works. These skills aren’t just things that are limited to school, and these skills will stay with me for the rest of my life. PLP has also prepared me for learning to think for myself, and find my own information.
Time Management
Despite this being one of the biggest skills that PLP looks for, being able to use my time efficiently has always been the thing that eludes me. I often tend to find myself handing in assignments minutes before they’re due, and even past their due date. This issue is something that I’ve noticed about myself every year, and every year I find myself bringing up the same problems again. But PLP has taught me why we have small steps to get to a big product. Without these steps, things will be missing when it comes time to produce the results of my learning.
Seeking Help
The most important thing that I think that I have learned from my time in PLP is learning when I need to ask for help. This has been very helpful for me, and one of its biggest uses has been knowing what’s going on all the times that I get sick and miss school. It has also been useful knowing that there are people that I can go to if I get stuck.
Thats it for this post, but I’ll see you next time.