Into the Dragons Den

Who here has heard of Dragons Den or Shark Tank. In case you haven’t heard of these shows, they are about people who come on the show with a business proposition for the hosts of the show, and the hosts then decide if they want to agree to the deal. For my most recent project […]

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Pikachu Presentation

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be crazy. Well in this PLP Project, we learned a new meaning of crazy. It all started with the Apple “Crazy Ones” video. This video talked about how we need crazy people to change the world. In this case, the word crazy was used to describe the […]

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Who are you gonna be?

Who am I going to be. The answer that I would like to say is an author, but that’s not the right answer to the question. If you were to ask what do you want to do when you’re older, then I would say an author, but these are two very different questions. No one […]

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It’s not a Turkey Tree!

When asked to describe a Canadian, one of the first words that might pop into your head is the word: Sorry. One of the biggest reasons for this would be the common stereotype that Canadians are always apologizing for things. This isn’t to say that this stereotype is unjustified (I have said sorry when someone […]

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He’s Canadian?

For this project, I started by pondering what it is to be Canadian. One of the biggest definitions of Canadian identity is “not American”, but is that really true. While it is true that we aren’t American, what is the difference between Americans and Canadians. As I tried to discover the answer, I looked to […]

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tPOL: the book

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and […]

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