Im officially a PLP learner (:


We just finished our first project in maker. This means we’re all officially PLP learners! We had to answer the question “How do I build and strengthen the PLP    learning team?” We made a keynote presentation answering this question and presented it to our parents in our first PLP exhibition. 

For our keynote presentation we had 4 sections to explain who we are as a learner.


Teamwork contract 

 The first was my team work contract. We had to create a piece of media promising to do something to help the team I promised to add 1 idea to each project to help work on my communication.

Physical representation 

 Then we talked about our physical representation. This is something that we created out of random house hold tools to represent us as a learner. I made myself holding a table with little thought bubbles on my arms. The table represented the PLP team and the cup with the foil arms was me holding up the team with my ideas. It was really fun to make this and I think it was a pretty creative idea.

Who am I

For the third thing in this project we had to choose one other assignment from this project. I choose the very first assignment, to make a picture in WordPack ( an app we use in PLP) describing who we are a a person. As you can see down below ⬇️ I have an image of a raindrop filled in with words of who I am as a person. Some of these include an Artist, a learner and a friend.

Big life journal 

The last part of the project we had to choose 3 things from a journal that we have been writing since day 1. The first thing I choose was my dream board. This was made up of lots of images of things that I want in my future. For example a picture of London because I want to live in London one day.

The second piece of evidence I made was my dream staircase. My dream is to start a successful business one day and I made 3 steps to getting there. The first step is to figure out what type of business I want to start, the second step is to take a business class and to learn lots of techniques, and the last step is to create a website to start my business.

My very last piece of evidence is my jar of awesome. This is just where I wrote down to things that I feel I’ve done awesome at. The first thing was getting better at my communication. I feel like I’ve been doing really well with my communication and I’m proud of that and my second thing is that I’m getting better at reflection. This is mainly due to PLP but I feel this could be useful in the future.


My YouTube video

How do I build and strengthen the PLP learning team?

This was the driving question on the project. I feel like I strengthen the PLP team with my good ideas even if I’m hesitant to say them. This is a good goal to work on and I think knowing this could really help me in future projects. I’m really proud of this project so thank you for reading about my first PLP project.

Medium is the message


This was our very first humanities project for this year, it was based on advertising and understanding ad media. The driving question of this project was “How does what we hear, read, and see influence us?”. In this project we first learned about using target audiences, contrasting colours, logos, pathos, ethos and lots of other techniques to help build our ads.

After we built knowledge we started to create ads for our business’s. My business was Arms Reach Bistro, a small local business. You can check out there website here.

Down below I created a slide show showing all the drafts of my ad going from my first draft all the way to the my final individual ad which later we changed a bit and handed to the company. This project took many drafts and I’m very proud of the final product.


Final Ad

This slide show only shows up to my final individual ad but what about our company ad? After a critique from a professional ad designer called Mr. Hepburn we made my final ad into this.


We changed the slogan from “Fresh, Rustic and Local” to “ Start with a delicious drink”, we also changed the font because pharmacy was a bit difficult to read. Other critiques we made were we flipped the photo and put the banner to the other side because Mr. Hepburn pointed out that we read right to left and it’s more appealing to the eye to read stuff on the left side. Lastly we made the banner transparent because the original banner was bit to bold and took attention away from the photo.

Driving question 

Over this whole project we were learning things to answer the driving question “How does what we see, hear and read influence us?”. If you think from a historical perspective when social media wasn’t so widely used, there were way less ads and therefore you wouldn’t be as easily influenced into certain products. Nowadays social media is just a thing that everyone uses all the time. I looked on several different websites and they said that the average amount of ads a normal person sees daily is 4,000 – 10,000 you can read more about this here  and here. This shows that nowadays we are exposed to many more ads then people were in the past and this influences us in many ways, like most people have brands that they prefer and they will tell the world using social media platforms like (Instagram and Tik Tok) for likes and follows. Also a big thing that’s changed is platforms like YouTube and Twitch having company’s sponsoring your favourite streamers and when they tell you to buy this product or download this game, you want to, which means the company has successfully influenced you. We are influenced everyday without really knowing and this project has taught me just how much ads have taken over our lives.


I hope you enjoyed reading about my first humanities project. I’ve had a lot of fun working on this project, so thank you for checking out my blog.