Learning the art of Photography

It’s only a week before winter break and we finished our constructive communication project. The section I’ve been working on for the past week is photography. We learned all about using angles, contrast and filters to add mood, perspective and movement to our photos. 

In one of our lessons we learned how to manufacture mood. To learn how to add mood we went to the beach and took meaningful landscape photos. Then we used apps like Snapseed and Pixelmator to add mood to our photo. This is the photo that I took and edited.


To take this photo I had to use what I learned about angles. I used a worm view angel. I also used a filter to make the shells look more yellow and I added a vignette to make it more dramatic. 

To show how we learned to use mood we were assigned a mood and we had to make a photo showing this emotion. My emotion was bored. This is the photo I took  

I used a simple background and just one object for the foreground to keep it simple and boring. I also added a black and white filter but I didn’t use one that would make it to dramatic.

The next thing we learned how to do was show textures and stories. For learning how to add a story to our pictures we had to take a picture of a random object and personify it using mark up in photos. My object was a fine liner and I made this 


Another thing I made for this project was a collage showing different textures.

For this I used an amazing collage making app called cc express also called adobe spark.

The last thing we learned was how to add movement to our photos. You can use burst photos to capture just the right angle to show movement. You can also use Live Photo and put in it a loop to make a gif. To show how we had learned to make gifs we had to make our own rection gif. You can see mine here.

What I learned about creative communication 

I learned about how to show  perspective and opinions in our photos. You can use a photo to show a story you want to tell and to explain different moods. You can make your photographs look awesome using lots of different angles and filters. You can also edit amazing photos to really show your perspective/story. Also this ties in with drawings you can drawing on your photographs to give them more meaning and to make them more detailed. Thanks for reading my blog. Bye!

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