7 interesting facts about sewing
1.There are over 4000 types of sewing machines in the world: Brother is one of the most popular sewing brands. You can visit their website here.
2. The sewing machine was invented in 1790 by a man called Thomas Saint, but in 1874 it was patented by William Newton.
3. The first needles that went in sewing machines were made out of bone and ivory instead of metal.

4. The weaving of natural cloth started in the Middle East around 4000 BC. Back then they used fur and hides instead of fabric.
5. The first electric sewing machine was invented in 1889, it had a bulky motor and the lightbulb was only invented 10 years before this.
6. Cotton lasts a century (100 years) before decomposing.
7. The print Calico comes from the word Calcutta which is a city in West Bengal also known as Kolkata.

Hope you learned something you didn’t know. Have a good day!