
It’s finally the end of my first year in grade 8 and I have learned so much over this year. I have definitely improved and enjoy this year so much and I’m excited to tell you about what I have learned

“Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”


I have learned a lot about how to improve my writing, at the beginning of the year I had so much trouble writing and spelling but over this year I have definitely improved. I always had very good ideas but I never could figure out how to put them down on paper. A project that really helped me improve my writing was the renaissance project. For this project we had to make a triptych about the renaissance but we also had to write a paragraph. The paragraph we wrote had to be about what we thought was the most significant invention or piece of art. I choose to write about the printing press. The reason I say this project helped me with my writing is because we learned about how to construct complex sentences and paragraphs.

Core competencies 

Communication: Communication was something that I I have struggled with a lot this year. I’ve never really been good at communicating but there were definitely some projects that really helped me get to know my classmates better with in the end helped me communicate. One of these things was Loon Lake. At Loon Lake we got to do lots of activities to help get to knwo our classmates better which was fun.

Collaborating: Over the year we have done lots of projects were we had to work with groups to meet an end goal. DI was definitely won of the biggest collaboration projects we did. We had to communicate with our team constantly to come up with its creative solutions and figure out how we were going to present our solution. 

Creative thinking: I have definitely improved on my creative thinking over the course of grade 8. I am now able to come up with creative ideas to improve my projects unlike I was at the start of the year.

Critical and reflective thinking: I am definitely improving on being able to reflect on my learning and use feedback to make my work better. This is one of the main things PLP helps me learn.

Favourite projects

I had 3 favourite projects this year. The first one was definitely medium is the message. the reason I choose this as my favourite project is because one day I want to start my own business, and I also want to go into the field or design/advertisement. So being able to pratice interviewing a client and creating and advertisement was fun and useful. My second favourite project was the ultimate design challenge in scimatics, I really enjoyed this project because it involved designing and as I said before I want to work in the design/advertisement field so this was definitely a project of my interest.

Why I think I’m ready for grade 9

I think Im ready for Grade 9 because Ive made so much progress with my learning this year and Im excited to learn even more next year.

Goals for Grade 9

My main goal for grade 9 is to get better at my communication and collaboration, Ive definitely made progress on communication this year is I hope I can make as much progress in grade 9. Another goal that I have for grade 9 is to get better at my writing/spelling, over time I’ll definitely get better but I just hope that next year I can practice by writing lots of paragraphs.


Thanks for reading about my reflection and I hope you have a great day!

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