Drawings in Scimatics

Hi!!!! We recently just finished out last scimatics project of grade 8. In this project we learned all about cells, viruses and how they interact with each other. The end goal of this project was to create a comic about cells and viruses that was accurate but also fun to read.

Milestone 1: Project start mind map 

Just like almost every project in scimatics we started with a mind map. In my mind map I wrote what I already knew, my questions where and examples of diseases. Here is my mind map…

After the project ended I updated my mind map and added the things that I learned.

Milestone 2: Wanted poster

At the beginning of the project we had to choose a disease that we wanted to research (this would later be the villain of our comic) and make a wanted poster on it. The disease I chose was Malaria. Here is my wanted poster…

Milestone 3: Research 

For our comic we had to do lots of research so alongside it being fun to read it also had accurate information. Here is some stuff I learned…

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells 

A prokaryotic cell is a very simplistic cell. These cells don’t have a nucleus and don’t rely on much support from the body (minimal nutrients and water) so if there was an exciton of animals and plants these would be the cells to survive because they don’t need many nutrients and rely a lot less on have a living structure to be in. A eukaryotic cell is not as simple as a prokaryotic cell. Firstly a eukaryotic cell has a nucleus and also has a very complicated structure. These cells are usually 10x the size of prokaryotic cells and rely a lot more on a living structure for nutrients and water.  


Malaria is a life threatening disease caused by parasites that are transited to people by the bites of infected mosquitoes. Malaria is neither a virus or bacteria, it’s a parasite called a Merozite. We first discovered Malaria in the 1800’s and it was a huge problem in African countries and Asian countries like The democratic republic of Congo, Uganda and India. 

Milestone 4: Comic story board

Before making our comic we had to plan it out on a story board. My story board only had 12 slides and my final comic had 18 so I definitely had to add more detail to my project. Here are some pictures of my story board.

Milestone 5: Final Comic 

I was very proud of my final comic. I was able to get 17 scientific words into my comic (10 was the requirement) and I feel that I was able to make really good drawings that fit with the style of the comic. You can read my comic here Comic cells.

Thanks for reading my last post of grade 8 :D. Hope you have an amazing summer☀️!!!!


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