At the beginning of the year, we created our Vision, Misson Value Statements. My Vision and mission statement are something that I want to keep progressing on but it doesn’t fully represent what I want to achieve in the rest of my high school career. So this Mpol is a revamp of my goals. These new goals still covered a lot of the topics that I brought up in my original but I wanted to make them more sustainable so I could see myself achieving them.
Vision, Misson, Values Recap
My Vision
On graduation day, I want to have grown both academically and personally. I aim to have more confidence and be able to push myself to achieve more challenging feats. I want to become a better version of my current self, which means being more confident, communicating with my peers more often, and being able to face my fears with more dependence.
Main points
- Confidence
- Communication
- Facing my fears
My Misson
My mission for this school year is to build my confidence by taking on leadership opportunities, in other words, school and my community. I will seek out leadership in group projects and focus on participating in class discussions. I want to push myself to take risks that align with my long-term visions and challenge my motivation to improve. I hope to see progress in my communication and I want to take the initiative to ensure that I am working up to the standards I desire to be at.
Main Points
- Leadership
- Participation
- Taking Risks
- Self Initiative
My Values
- I will participate in class discussions and contribute my ideas to the class more often
- I will raise my hand in class more often
- I will volunteer for speaking roles such as volunteering to go first when asked
- I will revise mistakes after giving feedback
- I will read the criteria before working to make sure I can exceed expectations
- I will seek extra help (tutorial)
- I will always be on task in class
- I will apply class-taught stuff to the real world
- I will find additional resources (expand my learning)
This year I have been focusing a lot on goal-making and creating routines to achieve these goals. I have found that this is working extremely well for me this year and I see significant improvement. I have split the goals I create into four different groups, Academic, Health, Social, and Creative.
I will focus on my academic goals throughout this learning recap. The three main academic goals that I will break down into are my ommunication, Writing and Organization skills.
✏️Writing Skills
Starting with my writing skills, I have found that I’ve gotten much better at putting all my ideas down first and then refining my grammar and fluency. This has allowed me to write much quicker and not get stuck on the little imperfections. I have started using this technique of adding all the main points of my writing at the top of the page in bulletin points and then basing my writing off those as I go along. Planning my ideas before writing has given me much more material to work with. An example of this is my journal entries for the “Legacy of Hiroshima” project.
As you can see, I listed my key points at the top of the page and then expanded on each one throughout my paragraph, this has also allowed me to keep a consistent idea throughout my whole piece of writing.
Another strategy that I have begun to implement this year is a template for all my blog posts.
I have added a section for my key definitions related to the project.
I’ve included a “Digging Deeper” section with links to sources and websites where you can further expand your knowledge on the topic of my blog post.
Lastly, I have added a rose, bud, and thorn section where I put my opinions about the project and my work.
🌹Rose– This is what I enjoyed about the project and what I loved about my work.
🌱Bud- This is what I think I could have improved on over the course of the project.
🌵Thorn- This is what I thought was unfavorable about the project or my work, what could have been better.
Over the course of the year I am going to make sure I keep implementing these strategies that I have begun recently.
My next main goal in writing is incorporating the 6+1 traits of writing which I learned about in my humantities project “The Write Stuff” . This means my writing will incorporate good idea, voice, organization, word choice, sentence fluency and conventions.
💭Idea– This means more creative and engaging ideas that encapture an audience’s attention while also havign a central idea that is clearly conveyed throughout the entire piece of writing. For me this means adding my own personal twists to assigned work topics, while staying in the guidelines course and trying to be more creative to push my learning above and beyond.
🎤Voice– This means adding a sense of individuality to one’s writing, giving it personality. For me this means adding my opinions in my writing with good support and adding my own emotions to my writing in ways that add to the topic and the audiences engagement.
📂Organization– This means arranging your pieces of writing so they are easy to follow and feel finished with no abrupt stop. For me this means getting better at adding smoother conclusions to my writing, especially my blog posts and making topic to topic changes smoother instead of just using paragraph breaks.
🤔Word Choice– This means strong word choices and memorable phrases and language. For me this means working on my vocabulary through reading in my free time and finding synonyms for words that I often repeat of use a lot in my writing.
🌊Sentence Fluency– This means that your writing is easy to understand and incorporates a lot of sentence variety. It is also expressive and easy to read aloud. For me this means using more transitions words and phrases and reading my writing aloud afterwards to see how fluid and expressive it sounds to improve areas that may be more choppy.
🔧Conventions– This means having good grammar and spelling in your writing. For me this means checking over my writing to find spelling and grammar errors. I also will start using A.I. and peer/family members to check over my writing before I hand it in to see errors I may have skipped over.
🗣️Communication Skills
Over the course of my high school journey I have seen so much improvement to my communcation skills. When I think back to grade 8 and how scared I was to speak my opinions I am very proud of the journey I have made. Communication was a huge part of my Vision, Mission, Values statement from the start of the year and even though I don’t feel like I’ve made huge progress this year specifically I’m going to continue working towards meeting these goals.
This year specifically I’ve been focusing on speaking in class disscusions and raising my hand more often. To complete this I focus on three separate areas, peer communication, class communication and presentation communcation.
👥 Peer Communication– For me this means working on talking in smaller goups with people that I’m not as close to. Being able to confidently bring up ideas to support the group effort.
🙋♀️Class communcation– This means talking during class disscussions to add my ideas and raising my hand to answer questions or give my input to the teachers.
👩🏫Presentation communcation– This means having more confidence when I do presentations to the class, teachers, other students and parents. Talking louder and projecting my voice more, standing with more confidence, no fidgeting and talking, sounding confident in the material I’m presenting.
A lot of these goals I’m presenting to you are extremely out of my comfort zone and I need to push myself a lot to achieve these as they don’t come naturally to me. Despite this I believe that with some work I am fully capable of progressing on these.
📁Organization Skills
This year I have been making my learning areas more organized and easier to navigate through. Starting with my craft space I have made it into one big ZettleKasten. This ZettleKasten had 3 sections Permanent Notes, Literature Notes, Fleeting Notes.
🪶Fleeting Notes
Fleeting Notes are my initial notes taken on a piece of media or topic, these notes have not been reworded they are in their simplest form.
Here is my fleeting notes section, it is split into my classes and each class is split into the different projects.
✏️Literature Notes
Literature notes are taking your fleeting notes and developing them into more complex documents using your own wording and thinking. You also incorporate your own big ideas into your Literature notes based on your topic.
Here is my Literature Notes section, it is very similar to my fleeting notes section.
🍎Permanent Notes
Permanent notes are only a sentence or two long, they are your big personal ideas linked to your literature notes.
Here is an example of one of my permanent notes. The title is my original idea and then the links are to my literature notes which support my idea.
I have also been using my things app to put all my assignments in to see what I need to work on first and remember what projects and assignments I have due.
In my things I have 2 sections, I have my school section for all my classes and assignments and I have my at home list for all my personal tasks and chores.
I find that my PLP organization is good and works well for me. One thing I want to do is set up my calendar to include all my classes, activities, and important events for the day. This will help me plan my time for homework, hobbies, and free time. I also want to work on organization for my non PLP classes, this includes getting a binder, organzing all my work etc. Hopefully, this will also help me improve my time management skills by allowing me to complete my work in advance rather than rushing to meet the due date.
The main thing that I want to remember over the course of my improvement journey is that with more practice and more time I will get better and I will find it easier to implement these goals into my life, it just take lots of time and work. I am going to remember to not give up because the benefits will be worth it.
Thanks for reading!!